
unusual facts about quantum dots

Alexey Ekimov

Alexey I. Ekimov is a Russian solid state physicist who discovered the semiconductor nanocrystals known as quantum dots, while working at the Vavilov State Optical Institute.

Density matrix renormalization group

The DMRG has been successfully applied to get the low energy properties of spin chains: Ising model in a transverse field, Heisenberg model, etc., fermionic systems, such as the Hubbard model, problems with impurities such as the Kondo effect, boson systems, and the physics of quantum dots joined with quantum wires.

Trioctylphosphine oxide

In the research laboratory, both trioctylphosphine and TOPO are frequently useful as a capping ligand for the production of quantum dots such as those consisting of CdSe.

see also

LED-backlit LCD display

Other companies are also developing quantum dots for displays: Nanosys, 3M, QD Vision of Lexington, Massachusetts and LG Display of South Korea.