
unusual facts about racial prejudice

Drama film

Dramatic themes such as alcoholism, drug addiction, infidelity, moral dilemmas, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, sexuality, poverty, class divisions, violence against women and corruption put the characters in conflict with themselves, others, society and even natural phenomena.

Ruttonjee Hospital

On Wednesday 31 March 2010 the Hong Kong High Court approved a settlement in the legal action brought by British author Martin Jacques over the death of his wife Harinder Veriah, who was hospitalized in Ruttonjee Hospital after an epileptic fit on 1 January 2000 and died the following evening; the case seemed to expose racial prejudice and medical negligence by doctors and staff.

see also

Butter at the Old Price

Her 1946 story Bright April was the first children’s book to address the divisive issue of racial prejudice.

Elsie Ripley Clapp

Due to racial prejudice, politics and Jim Crow laws there were no African Americans included in the community.

Lee Erwin

He is probably best known for his Star Trek episode "Whom Gods Destroy", his two part Tarzan episode "The Deadly Silence", and his episode of The Lieutenant, "To Set It Right", which was never aired because the subject matter, racial prejudice, was taboo for entertainment television at the time.

Lena Kundera and Bianca Montgomery

Star Jones introduced the segment by stating that All My Children had dealt with a number of controversial topics, including "AIDS, abortion, drug abuse, racial prejudice, and teenage alcoholism, but no storyline has generated the kind of buzz as the lesbian kiss".