
unusual facts about regional integration

Andrey Baykov

In 2009 he was awarded the Candidate of Sciences degree (Russian PhD equivalent degree) for researching comparative regional integration in East Asia and Europe.

Foreign policy of Ollanta Humala

During a visit to Washington, D.C. Humala also met Organization of American States' Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza in which he said Peru intends to work towards greater regional integration.

see also

East African Development Bank

The revitalization of the regional cooperation among the Member States through the establishment of the new East African Community (EAC) has accorded the Bank the opportunity to play a catalyst role in regional integration through provision of development finance.


Inter-American Development Bank, an international organization to support Latin American and Caribbean economic and social development and regional integration

North American integration

In a private round-table discussion on March 15, 2006 U.S. on the Security and Prosperity Partnership Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez advocated creating a North American Competitiveness Council composed of business leaders from all three NAFTA countries in order to ensure sustainable regional integration and address issue that might impede such integration.

Wolfgang F. Danspeckgruber

, "Aspekte der Globalisierung," 2008; "Self-Governance Plus Regional Integration: A Possible Solution to Self-Determination Claims" in Stefan Wolff and Marc Weller, eds.