Slosson is considered a significant author in the "local color" (Regionalism) movement of the late 19th century (Edwin Mellen Press, 2009).
Antonio Maceo rejected the military seditions of Lagunas de Varona and Santa Rita, which undermined the independent troops' unity and favoured a regionalism in Las Villas.
Frampton, Kenneth: Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance in Foster, Hal (ed.): The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture, New York: New Press, 2002.
He has served on an array of state and regional commissions, including being appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly to the Commission on Regionalism, member of the Blue Ribbon Committee for the Governor's Initiative to Turn Around Failing Schools, appointed by Governor Gray Davis to the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, and a member of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Protection Commission.
Isabelle Sandy (1884, Cos, Ariège - 1975) was a French poet and writer, best known for her regionalism.
The collection stresses significant American artistic movements, including regionalism (with paintings by Grant Wood and Thomas Hart Benton) and Abstract Expressionism (with work by Jackson Pollock, Hans Hofmann, and Helen Frankenthaler) and Pop Art (with work by George Segal and Tom Wesselmann).