
unusual facts about rice paddies

Bún riêu

In this dish, various freshwater paddy crabs are used, including the brown paddy crab found in rice paddies in Vietnam.

see also

Ijo temple

The western hill of Gumuk Ijo provides beautiful scenery overlooking rice paddies, villages and Adisucipto International Airport.

Ina Castle

It was well sited, for it was surrounded on three sides by rice paddies and rivers and on the fourth by an inlet, which allowed supplies to come into the castle directly from Mikawa Bay.

Litong District

Beginning in 1998, the district's irrigation office and Hohai University teamed up to research the applications of the high-yielding irrigation techniques employed in the district's rice paddies.


Ubud is a town on the Indonesian island of Bali in Ubud District, located amongst rice paddies and steep ravines in the central foothills of the Gianyar regency.