coat of arms | Bear | bear | Birmingham Small Arms Company | Bear Bryant | American black bear | Bear Stearns | Yogi Bear | Grizzly Bear | Coat of arms | Greg Bear | Coat of Arms | Cardiff Arms Park | Big Bear | Paddington Bear | Smokey Bear | College of Arms | Bear Grylls | American Black Bear | White Bear Lake, Minnesota | Remington Arms | Great Bear Lake | Build-A-Bear Workshop | Rupert Bear | Hollywood Arms | Elizabeth Bear | Big Bear Lake | Arms and Sleepers | arms | A Farewell to Arms |
His writing on the right to bear arms, which is notable for its middle-of-the-road position—recognizing both the individual right to possess firearms and the legitimacy of effective gun control—has been cited by the U.S. Supreme Court and numerous lower courts.
Leading gun-rights advocate Dave Kopel called Gunfight "one of the few genuinely moderate books ever written on" the right to bear arms.