
unusual facts about satellite phone

Area code 600

Area code 600 is a rarely-used non-geographic Canadian area code, reserved for specialized telecommunications uses such as Teletype, caller-pays cellular, ISDN and mobile satellite communication services.


The fire caused loss of power and cellular network, and limited communication to VHF radios and satellite phones.

see also

Earth Day 20 International Peace Climb

The climbers highlighted their expedition with a live satellite phone call to President George H.W. Bush as well as to Furia, Earth Day 20 organizers and thousands of supporters gathered in George, Washington, near the Columbia River on April 22, 1990.

Inward Bound

Each team was required to carry an EPIRB Distress radiobeacon, a satellite phone and a 3G mobile telephone (in a sealed envelope).

Marcus Luttrell

The SEALs made a number of attempts to contact their combat operations center with a PRC-148 MBITR (Multi Band Inter/Intra Team Radio) and then with an Iridium Satellite Phone.

Sanjay Jha

Jha began his career at Qualcomm in 1994 as a senior engineer with the Qualcomm very-large-scale integration group working on the Globalstar satellite phone, and later on the first 13k vocoder application-specific integrated circuit, which was integrated into Qualcomm's MSM2200 chipset.