
unusual facts about school choice

David Boaz

He frequently discusses such topics as education choice, the growth of government, the ownership society, his support of drug legalization, and the rise of libertarianism on national television and radio shows.

Cleveland, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin

The main campus for Lakeshore Technical College is located in the village, while public school students are a part of the Sheboygan Area School District; the district maintains Cleveland Elementary School in the village, and those students usually attend Horace Mann Middle School and Sheboygan North High School in the city of Sheboygan later on if they have no school choice preference.

Richard Timberlake

He was involved in the Harry Browne presidential campaign, and written/signed open letters advocating various positions, such as school choice and rejection of policies that would have raised taxes.

see also

Lovett and Ruth Peters Foundation

Many of the associate members who received funds are organizations in favor of charter schools, voucher programs, and school choice programs, such as Alliance for School Choice and the Center for Education Reform.