
unusual facts about scientific


Prior to the introduction of computers, the state of the art in precision scientific and engineering calculation was the ten-digit, electrically powered, mechanical calculator, such as those manufactured by Friden, Marchant and Monroe.

Abronia umbellata

Originally described by the British botanist Aylmer Lambert, Abronia umbellata was collected in 1786 from Monterey, California by the gardner Jean Nicolas Collignon of the French La Pérouse expedition, which had stopped at the capitol of Alta California as part of a journey of scientific exploration spanning the Pacific Ocean.

Academic Spring

The barriers to free access for recent scientific research became a hot topic in 2012, after a blog post by mathematician Timothy Gowers went viral in January.


Air track a piece of scientific equipment for measuring uniformly accelerated motion.

Anatoily Buznik

More than ten years a teacher, "Licensing Center" Football Federation of Ukraine, a member of the scientific and methodical council of Football Federation of Ukraine, conducted training of trainers program Cup in Lithuania, Latvia and Kazakhstan.

André Sapir

He is Member of the King Baudouin Foundation’s Board of Trustees and Chairman of its Selection Committee for the King Baudouin International Development Prize; and of the International Scientific Advisory Councils of the Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (WIIW), of Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales (CEPII) in Paris, and of Fundacion Ideas in Madrid.

Annick Gendron

Uncommon themes such as the limits to scientific knowledge and the Pan-European identity are central to her work.

Banded houndshark

The first scientific description of the banded houndshark was authored by German biologists Johannes Peter Müller and Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle, based on a dried specimen from Japan, in their 1838–41 Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen.

Charles Henry Jeens

About 1860 he became associated with Macmillan & Co., for whose Golden Treasury series and other publications he produced many vignettes, and portraits including a series of Scientific Worthies in Nature.

Chester Nimitz, Jr.

He later joined Perkin-Elmer Corporation, a manufacturer of scientific instruments based in Norwalk, Connecticut.

Christoph Hartknoch

Hartknoch's extensive scientific body of works contributed greatly to knowledge of Prussia, Pomerania, Samogitia, Courland, and Poland.

Dante's Equation

Calder Farris-- Lieutenant in the United States Army and agent for the United States Department of Defense, a violently patriotic sociopath investigating new weapons technology from non-mainstream scientific sources.

European Network for Training Economic Research

From March 1, 2011 Richard Blundell (UCL, London), Torsten Persson (University of Stockholm) and Jean Tirole (Université de Toulouse I) agreed to form the new scientific committee at ENTER.

European Seal of e-Excellence

As such, it was an answer to the so-called "European paradox", a term coined in a European Commission Green Paper in 1995 and referring to the often encountered inability of Europe to bring (excellent) research and scientific results to the markets.

George Wetherill

Wetherill provided leadership in the scientific community by serving on advisory committees for NASA, the National Academy of Sciences, and the National Science Foundation.

Hamilton O. Smith

Currently, Smith is scientific director of privately held Synthetic Genomics, which was founded in 2005 by Craig Venter to continue this work.

Hamlyn's monkey

The name "Hamlyn's monkey" and the scientific epithet "hamlyni" come from the animal dealer who first brought this species to the London Zoo.

Historiography of science

The influential bureaucrat Vannevar Bush, and the president of Harvard, James Conant, both encouraged the study of the history of science as a way of improving general knowledge about how science worked, and why it was essential to maintain a large scientific workforce.

Hydra Technologies Gavilán

Like the S4, this system is the result of a joint effort between the Mexican Federal Government, Nafinsa and academic or scientific institutions such as CONACYT, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara and ITESO.

I. M. Dharmadasa

His recent scientific breakthroughs 1-2, which are fundamental to describing the photovoltaic activity of CdTe/CdS solar cells, were summarised in a "new theoretical model for CdTe”.

Italian classical music

Yet, it was inevitable that Italian composers would respond to the fading values of Romanticism and the cynicism provoked in many European artistic quarters by such things as World War I and such cultural/scientific phenomena as psychoanalysis in which—at least according to Robert Louis Stevenson—"all men have secret thoughts that would shame hell."

James W. York

In any physical theory, it is important to understand when solutions to the fundamental field equation exist, and answering this question has been the central theme of York's scientific work, culminating in the achievement, with Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, of formulating the Einstein field equation as a well-posed system in the sense of the theory of partial differential equations.

Jane Symons

Unusually for a tabloid health writer, Symons was praised in the British Medical Journal, where Professor David Colquhoun of the Department of Pharmacology, at University College London wrote that "It isn’t often that a Murdoch tabloid produces a better account of a medical problem than anything the Department of Health’s chief scientific advisor can muster.".

Joachim Schmillen

From 1991 to 1994 he used to work as scientific foreign and security policy coordinator of the Alliance '90/The Greens parliamentary group in the Bundestag.

John Loike

Up until that point, no one had produced a scientific study of leaven ingredients in medications and as a result, many religious Jews had to decide on their own whether their medication could be consumed during Passover according to Jewish Law.

Joint Services Expedition to Elephant Island

The expedition was sponsored by the Joint Services Expedition Trust with the aim of climbing, exploring and carrying out a preliminary scientific survey of islands in the Elephant group for the Directorate of Overseas Surveys.

Jorge Scientific Corporation

The company made international headlines in October 2012 when two former employees leaked a video to ABC News showing key personnel at the company drunk or under the influence of narcotics during parties that were allegedly thrown “every other day” at the Jorge Scientific operations centre in Kabul.

Julius Erasmus Hilgard

He, however, continued in charge of the Coast Survey office and in the performance of a great variety of scientific work until his appointment to the superintendency in 1881.

Klaus Dierks

Dierks wrote a number of scientific publications including his doctorate on the development of an improved road system in Namibia and publications on history and the settlement of ǁKhauxaǃnas in the Great Karas Mountains.

La Plata Astronomical Observatory

A year earlier, the Paris Observatory had sent astronomical instruments to the city of Bragado, Buenos Aires, to observe a transit of Venus in front of the Sun, for which the location was particularly suitable, and which raised considerable interest in scientific circles.

Lawrence Edwards

Advocated for the New York City region as well as a Boston to Washington line by the Regional Plan Association, — the invention was praised by Secretary of Transportation John Volpe as well as editorials in The New York Times and professional and scientific journals.

Lénárt sphere

Following Glen Van Brummelen (Reference 1 below, p. 129, stereographic projection), spherical trigonometry, though certainly no longer relevant to the older scientific needs of navigation, astronomy, geography, etc., other than as historical mathematics, has nevertheless seen a "rebirth" today due to simulation, game programming, Autodesk Maya, kinematics, physics engines, and many other new fields as diverse as optics, photography, art and medicine.

Margaret Bentinck, Duchess of Portland

In 1766, the Genevan Romantic and philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau met Bentinck, admired her knowledge of botany despite his general belief that women could not be scientific, and offered his services as her "herborist" (plant collector).

Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky

Based on the scientific research by U.S. management expert Frederick Winslow Taylor and her own research, Lihotzky used a railroad dining car kitchen as her model to design a "housewife's laboratory" using a minimum of space but offering a maximum of comfort and equipment to the working mother.

Martin Stanislaus Brennan

Brennan was a member of several scientific societies, including the British Astronomical Association, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, the Astronomy and Astrophysical Society of America, the Saint Louis Academy of Science, the American Mathematical Society, and the National Geological Society.

Mérida, Mérida

Moreover, the educational development of the city due, for the most part, to its university (ULA) has contributed to the creation of museums, libraries, and centers for scientific research, such as the Center for Astronomy Research (CIDA), located a few kilometers from the city in the mountains near Apartaderos.

Nestor von Henko

On the occasion of the 165th anniversary of his birth and 100th anniversary of his death, 2004 was declared "year of Henko" in the Samara region , marked by an interregional scientific conference, edition of scientific material, establishment of memorial squares, excursions on "Henko forests".

New Zealand Little Bittern

The first scientific specimen was reportedly obtained at Tauranga in the North Island by a Reverend Mr Stack in 1836, but is now untraceable.


Natural history museum, a museum focused on displays involving scientific fields

Office national d'études et de recherches aérospatiales

The ONERA is organized in four scientific branches: Fluid Mechanics and Energetics; Materials and Structures ; Physics ; and Information Processing and Systems.

Pyotr Kozlov

Kozlov married Elizabeth V. Kozlova, a woman 29 years his junior, who accompanied him on his final journey of exploration as the expedition ornithologist, and who was to publish many monographs and scientific papers on the avifauna of Central Asia.

Remo Ruffini

R. Giacconi e Remo Ruffini, Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes 2nd edition, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, Cambridge (2009)

Robert Cushman Murphy

The author of over 600 scientific articles, he also wrote such books as Logbook for Grace: Whaling Brig Daisy, 1912-1913 and Oceanic Birds of South America. In 1951, Murphy led the expedition that rediscovered the Bermuda Petrel, or cahow, a bird believed to have been extinct for 330 years.


The fossil, now housed in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, was discovered by American paleontologist Alfred Romer on April 15, 1950 and was first mentioned in the scientific literature by paleontologist Robert L. Carroll in 1964.

SENS Research Foundation

On September 16, 2006, Peter Thiel, co-founder and former CEO of the online payments system PayPal, announced that he is pledging $3.5 million to the Methuselah Foundation "to support scientific research into the alleviation and eventual reversal of the debilities caused by aging" (SENS research).

Soil Conservation Society of America

The professional and scientific membership society changed its name to the Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) in 1987.

Steve Brudniak

His art incorporates, often pioneering, unconventional media and scientific elements such as high voltage electricity, Tesla coil technology, magnetic ferrofluid, gyro mechanics, biological preservations, fiber optics, and lasers.

The Wilderness

The Wilderness SSSI, Isle of Wight, a site of special scientific interest on the Isle of Wight

Theo Colborn

From there she joined the Conservation Foundation in 1987 to provide scientific guidance for the 1990 book, Great Lakes, Great Legacy?

Warsaw Scientific Society

It was established in 1907 as a continuation of the Society of Friends of Science to advance the sciences and arts and to publish scientific papers.

see also