writer | Screen Actors Guild | Screen Gems | James Baldwin (writer) | Andrew Davies (writer) | screen | François de La Rochefoucauld (writer) | William Boyd (writer) | Screen Actors Guild Award | Screen Tests | John Peel (writer) | Charles Lamb (writer) | Sean O'Brien (writer) | Sarah Hall (writer) | Ryan Murphy (writer) | Paul Alexander (British writer) | John Metcalf (writer) | John Broome (writer) | Jack O'Connor (American writer) | Carry On series on screen and stage | Blue Screen of Death | writer's block | Paul Smith (writer) | Owen Jones (writer) | Mark Evans (comedian/writer) | John Sullivan (writer) | John Man (writer) | Joe Hill (writer) | James Tate (writer) | James Bradley (Australian writer) |
Louis Delluc (14 October 1890 – 22 March 1924) was an Impressionist French film director, screen writer and film critic.
Arnold M. Auerbach became a contribution writer for The Carol Burnett Show in the 1960s and was a distinguished playwright, essayist, humorist, critic, and an American Emmy-Award winning screen writer.
Brunello Rondi, (Tirano, 26 November 1924 – Rome, 7 November 1989) was a prolific Italian screen writer and film director best known for his frequent script collaborations with Federico Fellini.
Enrico Bomba (born 2 August 1922 in Amatrice, Provinz Rieti) is an Italian producer, director and screen writer.
I Am Pilgrim is the debut novel by former journalist and screen-writer, Terry Hayes.
Black is currently working as a screen-writer, co-writing the film project Take Me to Your Leader, produced by Adam Sandler.
After various publications, including the cover of the British magazine Yearbook by Laurent Humbert, he was chosen for the jury for the French film festival Chéries-Chéris together with Spanish actress Rossy de Palma and French writer and screen writer Philippe Besson.
Here he also defines the chaos paradigma, an interactive story telling concept, which combines the paradigms of screen writer Syd Field and Christopher Vogler with chaos theoretical mechanics.
In 1934 Hollywood screen writer Lamar Trotti and producer George Marshall visited Quillen to use him as a prototype for a Will Rogers film, Life Begins at Forty, in which Rogers played a small-town newspaper editor.
She was the mother of Michael Piller screen writer/producer best known for the television series Star Trek and Dead Zone.
Sutapa Sikdar is a screen writer and a graduate from National School of Drama.