
unusual facts about select committee

1855 vote of no confidence against the government of the Earl of Aberdeen

The 1855 vote of no confidence against the government of the Earl of Aberdeen occurred on 9 January 1855 when the House of Commons voted in favour of a select committee to enquire into alleged mismanagement during the Crimean War.

Brian Wynne

He was an Inaugural Member of the Management Board and Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency, (EEA), (1994-2000) and a Special Adviser to the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee Inquiry into Science and Society, (March 2000).

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee

The Business, Innovation and Skills Select Committee is a select committee of the House of Commons in the Parliament of the United Kingdom, that came into existence on 1 October 2009, replacing the Business and Enterprise Select Committee, which was dissolved on 30 September 2009.

Computer Sciences Corporation

In June 2013, Margaret Hodge, chair of the Public Accounts Committee, a Select Committee of the British House of Commons, described CSC as a "rotten company providing a hopeless system", with reference to their multi-billion pound contract to deliver the National Programme for IT Lorenzo contract.

House Select Committee on Current Pornographic Materials

The House Select Committee on Current Pornographic Materials, commonly known as the Gathings Committee, was a select committee of the United States House of Representatives which was active in 1952 and 1953.

John Charles Felix Rossi

In 1816 he was one of the experts questioned by a select committee of the House of Commons enquiring into whether the government should purchase the sculptures from the Parthenon then in the possession of Lord Elgin.

Jonathan Djanogly

He served on the Trade and Industry Select Committee from 2001, was promoted to the frontbench by Michael Howard as an opposition spokesman on Home Affairs in 2004, and served as Shadow Solicitor General between May 2004 and May 2010.

Kevin Hague

Hague was a member of the select committee looking at Labour MP Louisa Wall's Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill.

Linda Gilroy

In parliament she was a member of the European legislation select committee from 1997 until after the 2001 General Election when she was appointed as the Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Minister of State at the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Raynsford.

United States House Select Committee on Government Contracts

The Committee on Government Contracts was a select committee of the United States House of Representatives from 1861 to 1863 during the 37th Congress.

United States House Select Committee on the Memorial of the Agricultural Bank of Mississippi

The Committee on the Memorial of the Agricultural Bank of Mississippi was a select committee of the United States House of Representatives that existed during the 27th Congress.

United States House Select Committee to Investigate Alleged Corruptions in Government

The Select Committee to Investigate Alleged Corruptions in Government was as select committee of the United States House of Representatives which operated during the spring and summer of 1860 during the 36th Congress.

see also

British Youth Council

The British Youth Council set up with support from the House of Commons, the Youth Select Committee which in 2013 enquired into the national curriculum with 11 Young Members including Solomon Curtis


Dame Dr. Ruth Silver, DBE is the Principal of Lewisham College and an adviser to the Select Committee in the House of Commons and a member of the Skills Commission.

CIA Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory

Jimmy Hoffa, president of the Teamsters Union, and mobsters Carlos Marcello, Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, Charles Nicoletti, and Santo Trafficante Jr.—all of whom say Hoffa worked with the CIA on the Castro assassination plots—top the list of House Select Committee on Assassinations Mafia suspects.

Clarence J. Brown

While in Congress, he was chairman of the Select Committee on Newsprint in the Eightieth Congress; he was very close to Speaker Sam Rayburn of Texas.

Conor Burns

He was appointed as Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS) to Hugo Swire, the Minister of State at the Northern Ireland Office in 2010, before which he briefly sat on the Education select committee.

David Chilton Phillips

In the House of Lords, he chaired the select committee on Science and Technology and he is credited with getting Parliament onto the World Wide Web.

European Committees

The chair is chosen by the Speaker from the Panel of Chairs, and thirteen members are chosen to sit as one of the European Committees with respect to each referred document, with two being members of the ESC and two being members of the relevant departmental select committee where practicable.

Forest Harness

In Congress, he served as chairman of the Select Committee on the Federal Communications Commission (Eightieth Congress).

Frederick Yeates Hurlstone

He was always much opposed to the constitution and management of the Royal Academy, and gave evidence before at the Parliamentary enquiry into the constitution of the Royal Academy in 1835 and again in 1836 to the select committee of the House of Commons.

Gor Sunguh Commission

Between April 2003 and March 2005 Gor Sunguh was the chairman of the ‘Parliamentary Select Committee Investigating Circumstances Leading to the Death of the Late Dr. Robert Ouko, EGH, MP’ tasked with investigating the death of former Kenyan Foreign Affairs Minister, Dr Robert Ouko, in February 1990 .

Hugh Scott

He was Chairman of the Select Committee on Secret and Confidential Documents (92nd Congress).

Instituto Juan de Mariana

He uploaded a study about the economic effects of renewable energy onto the Internet in March 2009, which led to Jim Sensenbrenner inviting him to testify about how, according to Alvarez, investing in renewable energy would lead to net jobs losses before the United States Select Committee on Energy Independence.

Jerry M. Patterson

He served as chairman of the Select Committee on Committee Reform (Ninety-sixth Congress), and chaired the House Subcommittee on International Development Finance in the Ninety-seventh and Ninety-eighth Congress.

Jim Cousins

As a key ally of the then Shadow Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, Cousins was still hopeful of a ministerial job when Labour won the election in 1997, but his hopes were dashed and instead he became an influential member of the backbench Treasury Select Committee.

Joyce Cusack

Some of the committees that Cusack was affiliated with were Trade and Banking, Health Care General, Select Committee on Medicaid Reform, Spaceport and Technology, State Infrastructure Council, Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations.

Lead-up to the Iraq War

Sen. Bob Graham chaired the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in 2002, when the Congress voted on the Iraq War Resolution.

Micah Naftalin

Before joining UCSJ, he served as an aide to U.S. Congressman Carl Elliott, as Chief Counsel and Deputy Director of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Select Committee on Government Research and as a senior policy analyst with the National Academy of Sciences.

Nathan Gregory Silvermaster

Sonia Steinman Gold, Division of Monetary Research U.S. Treasury Department; U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Interstate Migration; U.S. Bureau of Employment Security

Peter Gooderham

In that role he provided information to the House of Commons Select Committee on International Development on the work of the Quartet on the Middle East and Hamas.

Pike Committee

The Select Committee had originally been established in February 1975 under the chairmanship of Congressman Lucien Nedzi of Michigan.

Raising of school leaving age in England and Wales

Speaking in June 2007, Barry Sheerman, Labour MP and chairman of the Commons education and skills select committee, says that "young people not in education are one of the biggest social problems facing a modern government".

The Insider: The Private Diaries of a Scandalous Decade

An entry detailing the method alleged to have used by journalists at News of the World to hack into the phones of unsuspecting victims was quoted by the MP Louise Mensch during the questioning of Rupert and James Murdoch by the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee in 2011.

United States House Select Committee on the Memorial of the Agricultural Bank of Mississippi

The select committee was established January 7, 1842, when Representative William M. Gwin of Mississippi presented to the House a memorial from the president, directors, and company of the Agricultural Bank of Mississippi in Natchez, Mississippi.

United States House Select Committee to Investigate Communist Aggression and the Forced Incorporation of the Baltic States into the U.S.S.R.

Baltic States Investigation, Hearings Before the Select Committee to Investigate the Incorporation of the Baltic States into the U.S.S.R., 83rd United States Congress, First Session, Under Authority of H. Res. 346, Part I (1954)

William Job Collins

He served on various government committees, including the Vivisection Committee 1906-1912, as British plenipotentiary at the international opium conferences at The Hague, 1911–1914, the Sussex Agricultural Wages Committee, and the Select Committee on the Hop Industry.

William S. Hill

He served as chairman of the Select Committee on Small Business (Eighty-third Congress).