
unusual facts about sleeper goby

Barnett River gudgeon

Hypseleotris kimberleyensis, the Barnett River gudgeon, is a species of sleeper goby endemic to Australia where it is only known from the Barnett River system of Kimberley, Western Australia.

Black mogurnda

Mogurnda furva, the Black mogurnda, is a species of sleeper goby endemic to Lake Kutubu in Papua New Guinea.

Blotched mogurnda

Mogurnda spilota, the Blotched mogurnda, is a species of sleeper goby endemic to Lake Kutubu.

Dormitator latifrons

Dormitator latifrons, the Pacific fat sleeper, is a species of sleeper goby found on the Pacific coast of the Americas from around Palos Verdes, California to Peru where it can be found in stagnant or sluggish fresh or brackish waters or nearby marine waters.

Golden gudgeon

Hypseleotris aurea, the golden gudgeon, is a species of sleeper goby endemic to Australia where it is found in rocky pools in the Murchison and Gascoyne Rivers in Western Australia.

Hypseleotris cyprinoides

Hypseleotris cyprinoides, the Tropical carp-gudgeon, is a species of sleeper goby found in fresh, brackish and marine coastal waters from Africa through southern Asia to the Pacific Islands.

Oxyeleotris marmorata

Oxyeleotris marmorata, the Marble Goby, is a widely distributed species of sleeper goby native to fresh and brackish waters of the Mekong and Chao Praya basins as well as rivers and other water bodies in Malaysia, Singapore, Indochina, Philippines and Indonesia.

Striped mogurnda

Mogurnda vitta, the Ttriped mogurnda, is a species of sleeper goby endemic to Lake Kutubu in Papua New Guinea.

Variegated mogurnda

Mogurnda variegata, the Variegated mogurnda, is a species of sleeper goby endemic to Lake Kutubu, Papua New Guinea.

see also