
unusual facts about sloop of war

Second Battle of Sacket's Harbor

While Prevost reorganised his command and attempted to raise the morale of the militia and civil authorities, Yeo hastened the completion of the new sloop of war Wolfe and the refitting of several other armed vessels (although much of the work had already been accomplished by three officers, Commanders Robert Heriot Barclay, Robert Finnis and Daniel Pring, who had been detached from the naval establishment at Halifax, Nova Scotia).

see also

Battle of Delaware Bay

The sloop-of-war was armed with sixteen 6-pounders and had a crew of about 110 men, officers and marines and was named Hyder Ally after Hyder Ali, the ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore on the Indian subcontinent and a British enemy.

Battle of Madagascar

However, naval and air defences were relatively light and/or obsolete: eight coastal batteries, two armed merchant cruisers, two sloops, five submarines, 17 Morane-Saulnier 406 fighters and 10 Potez 63 bombers.

Battle of Nam Quan

A Royal Navy sloop-of-war encountered eight pirate ships near Nam Quan and defeated them in a decisive action with help from armed Chinese civilians on land.

Battle of Tysami

Rear Admiral Collier agreed with Hay's request and dispatched the small six gun sloop-of-war HMS Fury to the scene along with boats of marines from HMS Hastings.

Brazil Squadron

An expedition to the Falkland Islands was launched in late 1831 when the sloop-of-war USS Lexington was sent to Puerto Soledad to investigate the capture and possible armament of two American whalers.

Capture of the William

The Capture of the William refers to a small single ship action fought between Calico Jack's pirate ship and a British sloop-of-war from Port Royal, Jamaica.

Frederick Maitland

Maitland was engaged in two naval actions during this period; the first in 1793 involving the sloop Fairy (18 guns, commanded by Captain later Admiral John Laforey), in which Maitland commanded the Marines, in an engagement with a French 32-gun frigate, which escaped.

HMS Hotspur

A sloop called Hotspur appears in the Horatio Hornblower novel, Hornblower and the Hotspur, third in the series, armed with eighteen 9-pounder cannon and four carronades

HTMS Tachin

HTMS Tachin was a Royal Thai Navy sloop and training ship, built by the Uraga Dock Company in Japan.

Isaiah Robinson

Upon the return voyage in late November, he captured the British 12-gun sloop-of-war Racehorse after a 2-hour engagement near Puerto Rico.

Japanese corvette Amagi

Amagi was designed as a wooden-hulled three-masted bark-rigged sloop with a coal-fired triple expansion reciprocating steam engine driving a single screw.

Japanese corvette Tenryƫ

Tenryƫ was designed as an iron-ribbed, wooden-hulled, three-masted bark-rigged sloop with a coal-fired double expansion reciprocating steam engine with four boilers driving a single screw.

Japanese corvette Yamato

Yamato was designed as an iron-ribbed, wooden-hulled, three-masted bark-rigged sloop-of-war with a coal-fired double expansion reciprocating steam engine with six boilers driving a single screw.

Marmaduke Stalkartt

Stalkartt's Naval architecture (1781) was divided into seven books: 'Of Whole-Moulding'; 'Of the Yacht'; 'Of the Sloop'; 'Of the Forty-Four-Gun-Ship'; 'Of the Seventy-Four-Gun-Ship'; 'Of the Cutter, and Ending of the Lines'; and 'Of the Frigate'.

Melancthon Brooks Woolsey

Following the Civil War, Capt. Woolsey commanded the sloop-of-war Pawnee on the South Atlantic Station in 1867 and 1868.