
unusual facts about sociology of knowledge

Aivaras Stepukonis

In the same year he published monograph on Max Scheler and sociology of knowledge (Pavergto mąstymo problema: Maxas Scheleris ir žinojimo sociologijos ištakos; ISBN 9986-638-65-8).

Constructivist epistemology

Several traditions use the term Social Constructivism: psychology (after Lev Vygotsky), sociology (after Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann, themselves influenced by Alfred Schütz), sociology of knowledge (David Bloor), sociology of mathematics (Sal Restivo), philosophy of mathematics (Paul Ernest).

The Social Construction of Reality

The Social Construction of Reality is a book about the sociology of knowledge written by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann and published in 1966.

see also