
unusual facts about soda jerk

The Uncle Al Show

In the summer of 1949, then-General Manager Mort Watters asked Lewis (hired on two months earlier as WCPO's first art director) to host an hour-long filler show called Al's Corner Drugstore, in which Lewis, dressed in a soda jerk's uniform, would take phone-in requests for songs which he would play on his accordion, which would later become one of his many trademarks along with his straw boater hat.

Uncle Fred

He was a younger son, and therefore not expected to inherit his present title; he spent much time in America, working variously as a cowboy, a soda jerk, a newspaper reporter and a prospector in the Mojave Desert, before a number of deaths in the family left him heir to the Earldom.

see also

Read The Book, Seen The Movie

Read The Book, Seen The Movie is the first studio album by American rock band Cadillac Blindside, released on December 26, 2000 by Soda Jerk Records.


Most of the home versions of Tapper featured the Mountain Dew logo, but retained the bartender character of the original arcade game instead of the soda jerk in Root Beer Tapper.