
unusual facts about sting operation

Sting operation

In White Collar (TV series), a fictional renowned thief, known as Neal Caffrey, is caught and serves as a criminal consultant for the FBI.

Aniruddha Bahal

In the satirical Hindi film L.S.D., the character Prabhat, a young man persecuted for being involved with a tehelka-like operation, is based on Aniruddha Bahal.

Aydın Dikmen

In March 1998, after an 8-month sting operation initiated by Tasoula Hadjitofi, Honorary Consul of Cyprus in The Netherlands, Munich police recovered more treasures from apartments Dikmen had rented with a false names.

North American Islamic Trust

In August 2004 Mohammed M. Hossain and Yassin M. Aref, two leaders of a mosque owned by NAIT in Albany, were arrested in a sting operation on charges that they took part in what they thought was a plot to import a shoulder-fired missile and assassinate a Pakistani diplomat in New York City.

see also

Camp Chesterfield

In March 2002, The Skeptical Inquirer published a sting operation performed by former magician and prominent skeptical paranormal investigator, Joe Nickell.

Controversies involving the Indian Premier League

On the reliability of the report, Rajat Sharma, the editor-in-chief of news channel India TV quoted that the channel had no doubts about the authenticity of the sting operation and prepared to go to court.