
unusual facts about testified


Adrian Roks

John Magno, the president of Woodbine Building Supply at Danforth Avenue and Woodbine Avenue, testified that he had no knowledge of Roks' involvement.

Alex Shapiro

Shapiro testified in September 2009 on a Federal Communications Commission panel hearing in Washington, D.C., about broadband access and digital rights issues.

Álvaro Leonel Ramazzini Imeri

The same year he testified before the International Relations Sub-committee on the Western Hemisphere of the United States House of Representatives.

Art Cooley

In the spring of 1966, Cooley was among the BTNRC activists who testified in favor of a class action lawsuit filed by Patchogue attorney Victor Yannacone against the Suffolk County Mosquito Control Commission, seeking to force the commission to stop using the insecticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in the local salt marshes.

Ashkan Soltani

In 2011, he testified at two different hearings held by US Senate committees focused on privacy related matters.

Assassination of Lalith Athulathmudali

The fact that the Judicial Medical Officer Dr. Lalantha de Alwis, who conducted the autopsy on the body, had testified that the body smelled of Potassium cyanide (which LTTEers had used over the years to suicide) and that he found pieces of glass in the mouth of the body stood as strong evidence to support the Police.

Charles R. Forbes

On December 16, 1927, after the publication of his New York World article, Forbes testified before a grand jury in Kansas City that concerned his statement in the article that alleged narcotics was easily obtained at USP Leavenworth.

Child Online Protection Act

In addition to the plaintiffs ACLU et al., several witnesses testified in defense of first amendment rights on the Internet, including the director of the Erotic Authors Association, Marilyn Jaye Lewis.

Cole Durham

In March 2010 Durham testified via video conference during hearings before the Constitutional Court of Indonesia concerning proposed revision of Indonesia's 1965 Blasphemy Law.


The origin of the village dates back to the Roman Age as testified by the name, which finds its roots in Gens Cornelia, the Roman family to whom the land belonged.

Cyril Houri

Houri has designed IP address geolocation, WiFi and cellular positioning technologies, and has testified as an expert witness on location-based technology in LICRA vs. Yahoo!.

Devil's advocate

Aroup Chatterjee, the author of the book Mother Teresa: The Final Verdict, testified against the late nun as a so-called devil's advocate.

Doping in East Germany

At the trial of Manfred Ewald, leader of the East German sports program and president of his East Germany's Olympic committee and Manfred Hoeppner, East German medical director in Berlin in 2000, Krieger testified that the drugs he had been given had contributed to his transsexuality.


His great successor in Cappadocia, St Basil of Caesarea, mentions his view on heretical baptism without accepting it (Epistle clxxxviii), and says, when speaking of the expression "with the Holy Ghost" in the Doxology: "That our own Firmilian held this faith is testified by the lógoi which he has left" (De Spiritu Sancto, xxix, 74).

George Platt Brett, Sr.

In 1927, Brett testified at public hearings of the Patents Committee of the United States House of Representatives about a new national copyright law.

Guin Richie Phillips

Cottrell's cousin – Tara Gaddie – testified that arrived at her home in Phillips' truck after disposing of his body in Rough River Lake, and answered "He's gone. He's dead," when she asked him what he'd done.

Harold Hughes

A number of people in recovery testified, including Academy Award-winning actress Mercedes McCambridge, National Council on Alcoholism founder Marty Mann, and AA co-founder Bill W. In his autobiography, The Man from Ida Grove: A Senator's Personal Story, Hughes writes that he asked a dozen other well-known people in recovery to present public testimony, but all declined.

Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society

The Howard Center gained some publicity when Carlson, who was then its president, testified in a victorious Washington Supreme Court case against gay marriage.

Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario

At a meeting of the Canadian Arab Federation on the day after the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal heard the complaint, Hall served on a panel along with Khurrum Awan, one of the student lawyers who helped file the complaint who testified at the BC Human Rights Tribunal against Maclean's, and Haroon Siddiqui, editor emeritus of the Toronto Star.

Ivan Eland

He has testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

Jeffrey Locker

Longtime Allegheny County Medical Examiner Dr. Cyril Wecht testified as a defense expert on behalf of Minor.

Ji Shengde

U.S. Democratic National Committee fund-raiser Johnny Chung testified before the U.S. Congress in May 1999 that Ji gave him 300,000 U.S. dollars to donate to the Democratic Party.

John McGrew

However, McGrew's career in the United States was effectively ended when his former background painter, Gene Fleury testified to the House Un-American Activities Committee that he and his wife had seen several fellow artists, including McGrew when they were attending Communist Party meetings.

Julius Erasmus Hilgard

In respect to his physical and consequent mental condition at the time when he appeared before the Presidential commission on the conduct of the Coast Survey, it may suffice to say that the physician who examined him immediately after his resignation declared that had he been aware of the facts he "would, unsolicited and from a sense of justice, have gone before that body and testified that Hilgard could not be held responsible for his acts."

Kimberly Bergalis

Shortly before Bergalis's 1991 death, despite failing health, she testified before the Congress in support of a bill sponsored by Representative William Dannemeyer mandating HIV tests for healthcare workers, and permitting doctors to test patients without their consent.

Maria Adeodata Pisani

Besides suffering from delicate health, Maria Teresa had a deformed shoulder, caused, it was testified, by injuries sustained at the hands of a maid who beat her when she lived with her grandmother in Naples.

Mary Kinder

Mary testified as a defense witness at her brother, Earl Northern's trial that Northern was in attendance at a dinner party held by her aunt on March 27, 1925, giving the names of those in attendance.

McGown's Pass Tavern

During the Fassett Investigation in 1890, McCann testified that he lost his lease to the tavern because he refused to provide Croker, Grant and their political associates with free entertainment; in retaliation for which Croker and Grant began to bad-mouth the restaurant as a disreputable house patronized by lowlifes.

Michael Welner

Welner testified for the prosecution in the military tribunal at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp against Omar Khadr, who was convicted of war crimes committed in Afghanistan.


Whitfield Diffie and Ron Rivest, the inventors of public-key cryptography and RC4 encryption respectively, testified for Newegg.

Noah Beauchamp

His daughter-in-law's parents Sanford and Rhoda Ransdell testified for the defense but to no avail.

Nugan Hand Bank

In April 1983 a Perth businessman, Murray Quartermaine, testified to the Stewart Royal Commission on drugs that Hand was living in Pretoria, South Africa under the name of "Hahn".

Phillip Willis

Phillip LaFrance "Phil" Willis (2 August 1918, Kaufman County, Texas – 27 January 1995, Dallas, Texas) was a witness to the assassination of President Kennedy who testified before the Warren Commission.

Richard Gizbert

Martin Bell, former BBC correspondent and former member of UK parliament, testified on Gizbert's behalf at the tribunal.

Richard Maurice

In August 1951, after he left the union, Maurice testified before a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee, headed by Senator James O. Eastland of Mississippi.

Rocco DiSiglio

In August 1967, after H. Paul Rico testified before a Suffolk county grand jury about his conversations with Joseph Barboza concerning the murder of DiSiglio, the Boston SAC sent an urgent teletype to J. Edgar Hoover at 1:03 a.m.

Rodrigo Rosenberg Marzano

Eventually, the band members, several of them ex-policemen, testified one by one that they had been paid Q300,000, the equivalent in dollars to the check supposedly sent by Luis Alejos.

Selina Parvin

A lone survivor of the killing testified to the court that being blindfolded, he heard a woman Selina Parvin screaming and begging Al-Badr men for her life, appealed to spare her as she had a kid and there was none to take care of him but her.

Shedden massacre

The star witness testified to a bungled and 'cheap' plot, led by an indecisive Kellestine: "They were at the very bottom rung of biker gangs. Some were in their 40s but still lived with their parents. They were not making any money, many of them had been rejected by the Hells Angels and half of them didn't even own a motorbike".

Surveillance art

In July 2006, Ms. Mary DeRosa, a Senior Fellow of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, testified at a congressional hearing on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

Susan Ralston

On July 29, 2005, Ralston testified before federal grand jury prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald, investigating whether government officials illegally disclosed the identity of CIA officer Valerie Wilson.

T. B. Joshua

Popular Nigerian Actress Tonto Dikeh testified that Joshua’s prayers on Emmanuel TV stopped her smoking habit of 14 years.

Ted Patrick

Patrick testified before an ad hoc Congressional committee organized in 1979 by Senator Bob Dole.

The Land Ironclads

In an 1 Oct 1916, letter to Wells, Churchill thanked him for the idea, and in a 1925 trial over who invented the tank, Winston Churchill testified under oath that the idea had originated with Wells.

Thomas D. O'Rourke

Professor O’Rourke has testified before the United States House of Representatives Science Committee (engineering implications of the 1999 Turkey and Taiwan earthquakes and, in 2003, on the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program).

Valenzano, Italy

Historically, the area was inhabited in prehistoric and early historic times (up to 4th century BC) by the Peucetii, of Illyrian origins, as testified by funerary findings.

Voice of the Martyrs

In 1966, Wurmbrand testified before the Internal Security Subcommittee of the US Senate about the treatment that Christians received under Communist governments, raising world-wide interest in Christian persecution, and through his influence several missions were founded around the world to help support Christians who suffered under Communist persecution.

Warren Kimbro

Sams testified that national Panther leader Bobby Seale, who had been speaking at Yale University the day before the murder, had personally ordered the killing, but there was no corroborating evidence; the jury in Seale's subsequent trial was unable to reach a verdict, and the prosecution chose not to re-try the case.


The Garretts made history when they testified before a congressional committee in 1963, the outcome of which resulted in the change of a Federal Communications Commission law regulating 24-hour broadcasts in the 1960s.

William Weston Patton

Where Patton only wrote "of the Christ we are to see", Howe testified that her eyes had already "seen the glory of the coming of the Lord".

see also