The Oregon Duck (also known as the Fighting Duck, Puddles, or simply The Duck) is the mascot of the University of Oregon Ducks athletic program, based on Disney's Donald Duck character through a special license agreement.
However by that time, the video had "gone viral" and coach Chip Kelly requested the video be played at the Ducks' final game of that season, the Civil War.
Due to the agreement with Disney in place at the time, the creators had to take the video down from YouTube.
Beginning in 1940, cartoon drawings of Puddles in student publications began to resemble Donald Duck, and by 1947, Walt Disney was aware of the issue.
Portland, Oregon | Oregon | Eugene, Oregon | Donald Duck | Oregon State University | University of Oregon | Oregon Trail | Oregon House of Representatives | duck | Daffy Duck | Salem, Oregon | Duck Dynasty | Oregon Shakespeare Festival | Oregon Geographic Names | Corvallis, Oregon | Klamath Falls, Oregon | Ashland, Oregon | Bend, Oregon | Oregon State Senate | Oregon State Beavers | Oregon Ducks | Pendleton, Oregon | Multnomah County, Oregon | United States District Court for the District of Oregon | Oregon Supreme Court | The Dalles, Oregon | Oregon legislative elections, 2008 | Oregon City, Oregon | Oregon City | Medford, Oregon |
Harris was also noted for striking a handshake deal with Walt Disney in 1947 that allowed Oregon to use the likeness of Donald Duck as the University's athletic mascot, The Oregon Duck.
He was also known for his handshake deal with Walt Disney that permitted the University of Oregon to use the likeness of Donald Duck as the basis for its mascot, the Oregon Duck.