
unusual facts about threatened

1996 Parliament House Riot

Before the 1996 Australian Federal election, ACTU Secretary, Bill Kelty, had threatened 'industrial war' if a Coalition Government tried to challenge union power.

2012 Canadian Grand Prix

Following a smoke bomb incident on Montreal Metro subway, student activists from the Université du Québec à Montréal threatened to prevent the race from going ahead as part of ongoing demonstrations across Quebec.

2013 North Korean nuclear test

This was said after North Korea floated propaganda leaflets to South Korea that threatened the annihilation of Baengnyeongdo.

Al-Ashraf Qansuh al-Ghawri

But first, through the Prior of Zion, he threatened the Pope that if he did not check Ferdinand and Manuel I of Portugal in their depredations on the Indian Seas, he would destroy all Christian holy places, and treat Christians as they were treating the followers of Islam.

American Anti-Slavery Society

President Andrew Jackson swept aside the states' rights arguments and threatened to use the army to enforce federal laws.


The alluvial aquifer fed by the Rhone is threatened by an internal discharge created by the Pechiney Group.

Arizona Mountains forests

Pollution and reduction of rivers are threatening specific plants and animals including Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) and Goodding's willow (Salix gooddingii), the threatened Gila trout (Oncorhynchus gilae), the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus).

Balea perversa

It is locally threatened by too thorough and too frequent restorations of old buildings, acid rains, air pollution and cutting of old trees.

Battle of Tamassi

Fearing a renewed rebel offensive towards the capital N'Djamena, as threatened, the army decided to stage a major offensive against the rebels at Tamassi involving several divisions of infantry, in an attempt to break any form of an organized army.

Bon Bon Reserve

Threatened animal species either known or thought likely to be present on Bon Bon include Plains-wanderer, Major Mitchell's Cockatoo, Chestnut-breasted Whiteface, Thick-billed Grasswren and Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat.

Broxton Rocks

The near-threatened* Bachman's Sparrow, the endangered* Red-cockaded Woodpecker and the Pileated Woodpecker, whose drum-like peck can be heard over long distances, all nest here.

Buddleja ibarrensis

Buddleja ibarrensis is an endangered species endemic to a small area of Ecuador in the vicinity of Ibarra in subtropical or tropical moist montane forest at an elevation of 2,200 m threatened by deforestation.

California Gull

Seriously threatened birds that share the same South Bay habitat include the Snowy Plover and California Least Tern, while less-threatened birds including Black-necked Stilts, American Avocets, Forster's Terns, and Caspian Terns are also preyed upon by the abnormally large flocks of California Gulls.

Canary rockfish

On October 29, 2007, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) received a petition from Sam Wright of Olympia, Washington to list a distinct population segment (DPS) of canary rockfish, and four other rockfishes, in Puget Sound, as an endangered or threatened species under the Endangered Species Act).


In some areas, including its northernmost native location, it is seriously threatened by an introduced South American moth Paysandisia archon.

Chanak Crisis

The Chanak Crisis, also called the Chanak Affair and the Chanak Incident, in September 1922 was the threatened attack by Turkish troops on British and French troops stationed near Çanakkale (Chanak) to guard the Dardanelles neutral zone.

Cliff Temple

Norman threatened that if Temple did not stop asking awkward questions about Whitbread's business with the Chafford Hundred athletics club, he would spread unfounded allegations that Temple had sexually harassed a young woman athlete whom he coached.

Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2011

He also had threatened to boycott the 2013 CHOGM summit, scheduled to be held in Sri Lanka, if allegations of human rights abuses against the country's Tamil minority were not investigated.

Cybernetic revolt

Artificial General Intelligence researcher Eliezer Yudkowsky has stated on this note that, probabilistically, humanity is less likely to be threatened by deliberately aggressive AIs than by AIs which were programmed such that their goals are unintentionally incompatible with human survival or well-being (as in the film I, Robot and in the short story "The Evitable Conflict").

Domestic violence in Tajikistan

One woman told Amnesty International that during her five years of marriage, she was not allowed to leave her husband's home, while another reported that she had been raped by her boyfriend, who threatened to kill her if she told anybody, and continued to coerce her into sex for four months.

Edward Baynes

As war with the United States threatened, he was appointed commander of the Glengarry Light Infantry, a new unit being raised on the authority of Sir George Prévost, Craig's replacement as Governor General.

Elie Hobeika

Josy Dubié, a Belgian senator, was quoted as saying that Hobeika had told him several days before his death that he had "revelations" to disclose about the massacres and felt "threatened".

Éric Caritoux

A promise he had forgotten about but the organisers had not, de Gribaldy was threatened with a £50,000 fine if the team did not ride, he had to scrape together a squad for the Vuelta at the last minute, this included the holidaying Caritoux, who was told to get to Geneva and then fly to Jerez de la Frontera in the south of Spain where the Vuelta was starting.

Gas Exporting Countries Forum

In May 2006 Gazprom deputy chairman Alexander Medvedev threatened that Russia would create "an alliance of gas suppliers that will be more influential than OPEC" if Russia did not get its way in energy negotiations with Europe.

Helianthemum greenei

It is present on three of the eight islands, where it has historically been threatened by feral herbivores such as the Santa Cruz sheep and is making a gradual recovery.

Jwaneng diamond mine

The game park is also host to the globally threatened Lappet-faced Vulture.

Lady Edith Foxwell

She was one of the few members of London society who remained close friends with Margaret, Duchess of Argyll after the "headless man" scandal which, combined with the John Profumo affair involving Christine Keeler, threatened to topple the Government of the day.

Lukyanivska Prison

Ukrainian Ombudsman Nina Karpachova stated in September 2011 that while the facility was designed for 2,850 inmates, 3,800 were held there at the time; she also pointed out that 47 inmates with active tuberculosis threatened the health of other inmates and personnel.

Manager Daily

During the Black May incident in May 1992, Manager Daily and two other newspapers were threatened with being banned by the government of General Suchinda Kraprayoon for having printed pictures of the demonstration crackdown.

Mangkunegara II

At the time of Raffles ruled Java replaced Janssens, Sultanate Yogyakarta threatened dibubarkan.Campur Mangkunegaran hands with Legion Mangkunegaran successfulto prevent the dissolution of the Sultanate with the completion of the founding of the Duchy Paku Alaman.

Marsican brown bear

The Marsican Brown Bear (Ursus arctos marsicanus), also known as the Apennine brown bear, is a highly threatened, unrecognized subspecies of the Brown bear, with a range restricted to the Abruzzo National Park, and possibly the Montagne del Morrone in Italy.

Medicare Part D

Medicare boss Thomas Scully, who threatened to fire Medicare Chief Actuary Richard Foster if he reported how much the bill would actually cost, was negotiating for a new job as a pharmaceutical lobbyist as the bill was working through Congress.

Miklós Horthy, Jr.

As part of this operation, Miklós Jr. was kidnapped by German commandos (led by Otto Skorzeny) and threatened with death unless his father surrendered and agreed to appoint a new government of the Arrow Cross Party.

Mouse catshark

Although it is caught incidentally by commercial trawl fisheries, this species does not appear to be threatened by fishing activities and has been listed under Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Nikolai Podgorny

However, these changes threatened Brezhnev, and Brezhnev would later order Konstantin Chernenko to take a look at the 1936 Soviet Constitution to find a way to weaken Podgorny's position.

Office Open XML

The same InfoWorld article reported that IBM (which supports the ODF format) threatened to leave standards bodies that it said allow dominant corporations like Microsoft to wield undue influence.

Piedmont, Augusta County, Virginia

The Confederate defeat near Piedmont allowed Hunter to easily occupy Staunton the next day, and threatened the Confederacy's security in the Shenandoah Valley as well as on other fronts, since it necessitated the need to detach Early's Second Corps from the main body of the Army of Northern Virginia near Petersburg, Virginia.

Red Knot

It is hypothesized that more recently, the birds have become threatened as a result of commercial harvesting of horseshoe crabs in the Delaware Bay which began in the early 1990s.

Riyadh Al-Azzawi

Al-Azzawi said his spouse's former lover, Egyptian business tycoon and member of Egyptian Parliament Hisham Talaat Moustafa had offered Suzanne Tamim $50m to lure her away from Al-Azzawi and marry him — and threatened to pay $2m to a hitman to have Suzanne killed in revenge if she refused to marry him.

Saint Hunger

At first his relations with the Vikings were peaceful, but eventually Utrecht was threatened by the Vikings, at which the bishop and the entire clergy of Utrecht fled to Saint-Odiliënberg, near Roermond.

Same Old Tunes

Finally, the band printed t-shirts for the song "Chiquita Chaser" that imitated the logo of Chiquita Brands International, who threatened them with a lawsuit causing them to cease production of the shirts.

Scotch-Irish American

In reaction to the proposal by Charles I and Thomas Wentworth to raise an army manned by Irish Catholics to put down the Covenanter movement in Scotland, the Parliament of Scotland had threatened to invade Ireland in order to achieve "the extirpation of Popery out of Ireland" (according to the interpretation of Richard Bellings, a leading Irish politician of the time).

Serendip Sanctuary

Originally used for farming and other purposes, it was purchased in 1959 by the state government of Victoria for wildlife research and the captive management and breeding of species threatened in Victoria, such as the Brolga, Magpie Goose, Australian Bustard, and Bush Stone-curlew.

Steve Gilliard

Earlier in his career, Gilliard was threatened with legal action by representatives of Rosie O'Donnell when he "wrote something about Rosie leering at Peta Wilson, the tall, very blonde, very bosomy star of the La Femme Nikita series." He responded that if sued, he would post the responses to his discovery on Usenet.

Surprise of Meaux

Taking as his pretext that the king was threatened by Italian plans to capture him, on 28 September 1567 Condé invaded the château de Montceaux in Brie, near Meaux, in order to arrest the king's person.

The City Without Jews

The drama reaches a peak as he is committed to a psychiatric institution represented in Expressionist scenery, where in a claustrophobic and asymmetrically painted cell he sees himself threatened by Stars of David.


For example, it was TheOneRing.net that Peter Jackson emailed in an effort to get his side heard when a lawsuit threatened his chance to film The Hobbit.

When Giants Walked the Earth: A Biography of Led Zeppelin

Following the release of this publication, former Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page reportedly threatened to sue its author over the book's contents.

Wilfrid Emmett Doyle

Doyle then did work in the Diocese of Kamloops before moving in 2001 to St. Elizabeth Seton House of Prayer in Kelowna, which he had established during his tenure as Bishop and where he and others were later forced to evacuate when forest fires threatened to consume the residence.

Wulfnoth Cild

In 1008, King Æthelred the Unready ordered the construction of a fleet, and the following year 300 ships assembled at Sandwich in Kent to meet a threatened Viking invasion.

see also