
2 unusual facts about tiger beetle

Tiger beetle

Very many were described by the German entomologist Walther Horn.

They are large-headed, hump-backed grubs that flip backwards to capture prey insects that wander over the ground.

Jockey's Ridge State Park

Some of the more interesting creatures to inhabit the park are the Gray fox, Six-lined Racerunner, Virginia Opossum, tiger beetle, Eastern Spadefoot Toad, and antlion.

see also

Cicindela campestris

The mollicute bacterium species Entomoplasma freundtii (Entomoplasmatales, Entomoplasmataceae) can be isolated from the green tiger beetle.


Entomoplasma freundtii can be isolated from the green tiger beetle (Cicindela campestris, Coleoptera: Cicindelidae).

Entomoplasma freundtii

Entomoplasma freundtii is a mollicute bacteria species that can be isolated from the green tiger beetle (Cicindela campestris, Coleoptera: Cicindelidae).

Salt Creek tiger beetle

Interest in the Salt Creek tiger beetle began with surveys conducted by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in the mid-1980s.