
unusual facts about trades union


The 2000 film Bread and Roses by British director Ken Loach depicted the struggle of cleaners in Los Angeles, California to fight for better pay and working conditions, and the right to join a union.

Nou Mestalla

At midday on 28 May, trades union UGT and CC.OO. called a five-minute silence for the tragedy, which was observed throughout the Valencian Community in all sectors of industry.

see also

Battersea and Wandsworth TUC

The Trades Union Council owns an organising centre in Earlsfield and employs 3 full-time staff.

Trade unions in the United Kingdom

Margaret Thatcher's governments weakened the powers of the unions in the 1980s, in particular by making it more difficult to strike legally, and some within the British trades union movement criticised Tony Blair's Labour government for not reversing some of Thatcher's changes.