
unusual facts about trench warfare


The event happened to take place during uneventful trench war, and Räikkönen, who served in the Finnish ranks, was given furlough to drive Eri-Aaroni in the competition.

Battle of the Aguadores

A chance shot from Suwanee struck down the banner atop the small Spanish fort, but the naval bombardment otherwise had little material effect; with no way to adjust the fire onto the rifle pits below the crest or on the fortified houses on top, no targets could be hit.

Infiltration tactics

At the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, Major Marcel Bigeard, commander of the French 6th Colonial Parachute Battalion (6th BPC), used infiltration tactics in an attempt to defend the besieged garrison against the Viet Minh trench warfare tactics.

see also

The Road to Glory

The Road to Glory is a 1936 dramatic film depiction of World War I trench warfare in France directed by Howard Hawks, starring Fredric March, Warner Baxter, Lionel Barrymore and June Lang, and produced by Twentieth Century Fox.