
unusual facts about two-party preferred

Don Randall

Randall was re-elected to Canning at the 2010 election, defeating high-profile Labor candidate and former Labor MP, Alannah MacTiernan, though Canning was the only seat in Western Australia to record a two-party preferred swing to Labor.

see also

Bill Sykes

The Labor Party was re-elected in a landslide in the 2002 election, yet Sykes won Benalla back with only 26% of the primary vote to give a 52% two party preferred vote over the incumbent, Denise Allen.

Exit poll

This method was also successful in the 2007 Australian Federal Election, where the collaboration of Sky News, Channel 7 and Auspoll provided an almost exact 53 percent two party-preferred victory to Labor over the ruling Coalition.

Peter Tinley

He was ultimately elected as the member for Willagee with over 60% of the two-party-preferred vote against the Greens' Hsien Harper.