
unusual facts about uranium enrichment


In 1998, Earthjustice helped local community groups convince the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to withdraw an approval to construct a uranium enrichment plant between two low-income, predominantly African-American communities near Homer, Louisiana.


Eurodif, which means European Gaseous Diffusion Uranium Enrichment Consortium, is a subsidiary of the French company AREVA, which operates a uranium enrichment plant established at the Tricastin Nuclear Power Center in Pierrelatte in Drôme.

Frank Oppenheimer

A younger brother of renowned physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, Frank Oppenheimer conducted research on aspects of nuclear physics during the time of the Manhattan Project, and made contributions to uranium enrichment.

Robert D. Bullard

It was his expert testimony that won the case of Citizens Against Nuclear Trash (CANT) v. Louisiana Energy Services (LES) for the environmental justice group, directly causing the federal government's decision to deny the LES's permit for a uranium enrichment plant in Forest Grove and Center Springs, Louisiana.

South Africa and weapons of mass destruction

In 1969, a pair of senior South African scientists met with Sültan Mahmoud, a nuclear engineer from Pakistan based at the University of Birmingham, to conduct studies, research and independent experiments on uranium enrichment.

see also

David Greenglass

He was first stationed at the massive uranium enrichment facility at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and later worked at the Los Alamos laboratory in New Mexico.

Dominique Lorentz

One of the important points of her investigation concerns the link between the Eurodif (European Gaseous Diffusion Uranium Enrichment Consortium) affair and a series of terrorist acts in France.


K-25, a Manhattan Project uranium enrichment facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Marina Rikhvanova

In 2008, a group of Russian youths attacked a tent camp Rikhvanova had organized to protest a proposed uranium enrichment center in Angarsk, about 50 miles west of Baikal.

Separation of isotopes by laser excitation

In November 1996 Silex Systems Limited licensed its technology exclusively to United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC) for uranium enrichment.

United States Enrichment Corporation

Before its downsizing and final cessation of uranium enrichment on May 31, 2013, the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant consumed about 3,000 megawatts of electricity at peak operation.