
unusual facts about verse novel

Autobiography of Red

Autobiography of Red (1998) is a verse novel by Anne Carson, based loosely on the myth of Geryon and the Tenth Labor of Herakles, especially on surviving fragments of the lyric poet Stesichorus' poem Geryoneis.

David Dabydeen

A further collection, Turner: New and Selected Poems, was published in 1994, and reissued in 2002; the title-poem, Turner is an extended sequence or verse novel responding to a painting by J. M. W. Turner, "Slavers Throwing overboard the Dead and Dying — Typhoon coming on" (1840).

The Slave Ship

The painting was the subject of an extended poetic sequence or verse novel by David Dabydeen, Turner (1994; reissued 2002).

Tim Sinclair

Best known for the verse novel Nine Hours North (Penguin Books, 2006), he is also the author of the poetry collections Re:reading the dictionary (Cottage Industry Press, 2011) and Vapour Trails, and a collaborator (with Ben Winch) on the spoken word concept album Brothers of the Head.

View from Mount Diablo

View from Mount Diablo is a verse novel by Ralph Thompson (b. 1928), which won the Jamaican National Literary Award in manuscript in 2001, and was published by Peepal Tree Press in 2003.

see also

Autobiography of Red

In a cover story in The New York Times Magazine, critic Sam Anderson discusses the plot and reputation of Caron's verse novel.