
unusual facts about vocal tract

General Instrument SP0256

GI-SP0256 refers to a family of closely related NMOS LSI chips manufactured by General Instrument in the early 1980s, able to model the human vocal tract by a software programmable digital filter, creating a digital output converted into an analog signal through an external low pass filter.

see also

Acoustic phonetics

(Incidentally, Alexander Graham Bell's father, Alexander Melville Bell, was a phonetician.) During World War II, work at the Bell Telephone Laboratories (which invented the spectrograph) greatly facilitated the systematic study of the spectral properties of periodic and aperiodic speech sounds, vocal tract resonances and vowel formants, voice quality, prosody, etc.

Articulatory synthesis

Birkholz P, Jackel D, Kröger BJ (2006) Construction and control of a three-dimensional vocal tract model.