World Wide Web | National Institute of Standards and Technology | Web 2.0 | web browser | Amazon Web Services | Web browser | Web | American National Standards Institute | Web search engine | European emission standards | World Wide Web Consortium | web | Web portal | Tour | Web service | web server | web series | standards | Safari (web browser) | web page | Web hosting service | Mosaic (web browser) | Colours, standards and guidons | Advertising Standards Authority | world wide web | Web content management system | The Spider's Web | National Board for Professional Teaching Standards | Django (web framework) | Charlotte's Web |
Web interoperability means producing web pages viewable in standard compatible web browsers, various operating systems such as Windows, Macintosh and Linux and devices such as PC, PDA and mobile phone based on the latest web standards.
The Web Standards movement pioneered by Glenn Davis, George Olsen, Jeffrey Zeldman, Steven Champeon, Todd Fahrner, Eric A. Meyer, Tantek Çelik, Dori Smith, Tim Bray, Jeffrey Veen, and other members of the Web Standards Project in the 1990s replaced bandwidth-heavy tag soup with light, semantic markup and progressive enhancement, with the goal of making web content "accessible to all".
In September 2008, IntelePeer launched its AppWorx communications-enabling application development environment offering an application programming interface (API) based on Web standards like PHP and REST to help service providers and application developers to voice-enable their applications.
An updated version of Safari, included as part of the free Mac OS X v.10.4.3 update, can also pass the Acid2 web standards test.
Uzbl uses the Web Kit layout engine, and therefore inherits support for many web standards, including HTML, XML, X Path, Cascading Style Sheets
The Web Standards Project began as a grassroots coalition "fighting for standards in our web browsers" founded by George Olsen, Glenn Davis, and Jeffrey Zeldman in 1998.