There are three geographical subspecies: Sciurus griseus griseus (central Washington to the western Sierra Nevada in central California); S. g. nigripes (from south of San Francisco Bay to San Luis Obispo County, California; and S. g. anthonyi, which ranges from San Luis Obispo to northern Baja California).
Local rehabilitation experts recount the Eastern Fox Squirrels were released in urban regions of Los Angeles throughout the 20th Century.
Western Australia | Western | Western (genre) | western | University of Western Ontario | Great Western Railway | Western Cape | Western world | Case Western Reserve University | London and North Western Railway | University of Western Australia | Western Ghats | Western Front | Western Union | Western Province | Kimberley (Western Australia) | Western Europe | Fielding Gray | Western Sahara | Gray Davis | Western Michigan University | Gray's Inn | Western Front (World War I) | University of Western Sydney | Premier of Western Australia | Western Electric | Macy Gray | The Picture of Dorian Gray | Western Province (Papua New Guinea) | Western Hemisphere |
Black-tailed deer, mule deer, California ground squirrels, western gray squirrels, and other indigenous fauna feed on the leaves of the plant.