
unusual facts about wireless internet


In addition, StarMetro is planning wireless internet and television in buses, GPS-enabled buses with live location maps over the Internet, solar-lighted stops with live location maps, and blinking lights at stops to let drivers know of waiting passengers.


The company sees itself as an alternative to dial-up internet for rural residents, primarily in Saskatchewan, but elsewhere in Canada, as well, where cable companies would not usually venture (due to the low density in potential customers), and serves high-speed internet via WiMax, DOCSIS, MikroTik and Motorola Canopy high-speed wireless internet.

see also

Baltimore County Public Library

It becomes the first county library branch to provide wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi) via a radio signal.


In order to participate in the locative aspects of fAR-Play games, users must have an Android or iOS mobile device and access to wireless internet.

Mobile translation

See also Infoscope, which is a handheld device composed of a digital camera and wireless internet access, developed at IBM's Almaden Research Center.

Pacific LightNet

products = Local & long distance phone service, Internet services, VoIP

Wireless Washtenaw

As of November 2010, the network provided wireless internet access options to downtown Ann Arbor, Manchester, Saline, Chelsea, and Dexter.