
unusual facts about world cruise

MS Queen Elizabeth

The ship made several European cruises until she departed on her first world cruise, leaving Southampton on 5 January 2011 and calling at New York, Fort Lauderdale, Aruba and Limon before transiting the Panama Canal.

see also

A Kind of Alaska

Speaking of Pauline, Deborah states, bluntly: "She is a widow. She doesn't go to her ballet classes any more. Daddy and Estelle and Mummy who is actually dead are on a world cruise. They've stopped off in Bangkok. It'll be my birthday soon. I think I have the matter in proportion" (40).

Frederic Villiers

A world cruise followed in which he visited British India where he dined with the Viceroy, Lord Lytton at Simla, travelling on to Sydney, Tasmania, Auckland, Honolulu and San Francisco, and in 1882 was in Egypt to cover the Anglo-Egyptian War; he was present at Battle of Tel-el-Kebir.

Ian Belsey

Belsey has appeared in opera and the works of Gilbert and Sullivan at major theatres and concert halls throughout the United Kingdom and in France, Germany, Holland, Spain, New York, Bermuda, the Far East and aboard the QE2 on the World Cruise.

Tiburon, California

Theodore Roosevelt's Great White Fleet was refueled there on its famous round-the-world cruise.