
unusual facts about world view

Spaceship Earth

Spaceship Earth is a world view term usually expressing concern over the use of limited resources available on Earth and encouraging everyone on it to act as a harmonious crew working toward the greater good.

see also

Anglo-German Naval Agreement

Jäckel, Eberhard Hitler's World View A Blueprint for Power, Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America, 1981.

Dorothy Byrne

In December 2008 she defended Channel 4's invitation to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President, to deliver the channel's 'Alternative Christmas Message', saying "as the leader of one of the most powerful states in the Middle East, President Ahmadinejad's views are enormously influential... we are offering our viewers an insight into an alternative world view".

Elie Rajaonarison

His classes and research explored Malagasy culture, history, arts and world view.

Entropy: A New World View

Entropy: A New World View is a non-fiction book by Jeremy Rifkin and Ted Howard, with an Afterword by Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen.

History of mentalities

The term history of mentalities is a calque on the French histoire des mentalités (which might also be translated as 'history of attitudes', 'history of world-views'), a term referring to the manner of doing history (see historiography) associated with the tournant critique of the latter generation of the Annales School (in particular, the historian of books and reading Roger Chartier).

Jim Quinn

He commonly refers to "Quinn's Laws," a collection of statements that sum up his world view, such as "Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent" (i.e., the War on Poverty has led to even greater poverty).


Several other shows are locally produced, such as Understanding the Times with Jan Markell and The Christian World View with David Wheaton.

Lama Hasan

Ms. Hasan currently anchors World View on ABC News Now as well as reporting on other breaking news event for the channel.

Loup Verlet

Among other things, it considers how three great thinkers (Descartes, Newton and Freud) changed our world view.

O Vrba

According to contemporary Slovene literary critics, especially Marija Pirjevec, Boris Paternu and Janko Kos, the meaning of the sonnet is centered on the problem of insecurity and unhappiness of a free subject detached from the theocentric world view.

Reality principle

Jonathan Lear has argued that there was in fact an ethical dimension to Freud's concept of the reality principle, in that it was opposed to a neurotically distorted world-view.

Richard Vatz

His seminal article, “The Myth of the Rhetorical Situation,” written in the journal Philosophy and Rhetoric when he was 26 years of age, critiqued Lloyd Bitzer's 1968 article "The Rhetorical Situation" in the same journal and has served as the basis for his world view on persuasion; namely, that rhetorical study is conceived most advantageously for the field through a model of competition for salience/agenda and meaning/spin.

Samori Marksman

A strong advocate for the oppressed, Marksman’s popular programs Behind the News and World View on WBAI offered in-depth analyses of the news from a perspective that was largely absent from the mainstream press.

The Guide for the Perplexed

The world-view asserted in the work is essentially Aristotelian, with a spherical earth in the centre, surrounded by concentric Heavenly Spheres.

Unweaving the Rainbow

Driven by the responses to his books The Selfish Gene and The Blind Watchmaker wherein readers resented his naturalistic world view, seeing it as depriving life of meaning, Dawkins felt the need to explain that, as a scientist, he saw the world as full of wonders and a source of pleasure.

World Game

This alternative to war games uses Fuller's Dymaxion map and requires a group of players to cooperatively solve a set of metaphorical scenarios, thus challenging the dominant nation-state perspective with a more wholistic "total world" view.