
unusual facts about ''Annunciation'', 1545. In the collection of the Taft Museum of Art

Acqui Cathedral

The most important work of art in the cathedral by far however is the triptych of the Madonna di Montserrat, the Annunciation to the Virgin of Montserrat, the work of the 15th century Spanish painter Bartolomé Bermejo, in the chapter house.

Albert of Hohenzollern

Albert of Mainz (1490–1545), also known as Albert of Brandenburg, archbishop


When the calendar system of Anno Domini was first introduced by Dionysius Exiguus in AD 525, he assigned the beginning of the new year to March 25 since, according to Catholic theology, the era of grace began with the Incarnation of Christ.

Antonio del Massaro

In Orvieto Cathedral he worked on pieces that featured Biblical scenes such as the Annunciation, Visitation, Presentation to the Temple, and an Flight into Egypt.

Arundel House

It reverted to the Crown on Fitzwilliam's death and was granted in 1545 to Thomas Seymour, brother to Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset, Protector (of the infant King Edward VI, son of King Henry VIII).

Athanasius, Metropolitan of Moscow

Athanasius accompanied the tsar during his military campaign against Kazan in 1552 and held a service during the laying of the foundation stone of the Annunciation Cathedral in that city.

Baron Grey of Powis

On 17 September 1545, the king demised to Edward Grey, Lord Powis, the site of the Abbey of Strata Marcella for 21 years.

Charminster, Bournemouth

This was The Church of the Annunciation, designed by the 26-year-old Giles Gilbert Scott with George Frederick Bodley as joint architect; the latter had already overseen the young Scott's work on Liverpool Cathedral.

Chevalier D'Aux

Chevalier D'Aux was a senior French commander who, while leading a foraging party into the Isle of Wight to search for sources of clean water to replenish the stocks of a French fleet, which had just been forced to retire from Portsmouth, was attacked and killed in July 1545 by a group of the local Isle of Wight militia, at Bonchurch.

Christina of Garmoran

Oram, Richard, "The Lordship of the Isles, 1336-1545", in Donald Omand (ed.) (2005) The Argyll Book.


Walter von Cronberg (1477 or 1479 – 1545), Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights

Edwin Grienauer

A tabernacle showing the Annunciation to Mary is in the archives of St Stephan's Cathedral.

Elizabeth Carey

Elizabeth Danvers (1545/50–1630), née Neville, Carey by her 2nd marriage, Tudor English noblewoman

Filippo Brunelleschi

These were not, however, the first paintings with accurate linear perspective, which may be attributed to Ambrogio Lorenzetti (Annunciation, 1344).

Gilbert Bourne

Moving to London in 1545, Bourne became a prebendary of St Paul's Cathedral, and in 1549 Archdeacon of Bedford with the benefice of rector of High Ongar in Essex.

Great Hall of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

The refectory was painted by Callisto Piazza, who provident in 1545 to adorn the wall with a magnificent fresco, still visible, showing the "Wedding at Cana".

Gun laying

The first recorded device to measure an elevation angle was Niccolò Tartaglia's invention of a gunners' quadrant circa 1545.

Hans van Steenwinckel

Hans van Steenwinckel the Elder (c. 1545 – 1601), Flammish-Danish architect and sculptor

Iacopo V Appiani

Iacopo V Appiani (1480 – October 20, 1545) was the lord of Piombino of the Appiani (or Appiano) dynasty from 1511 until his death.

Jean Yeuwain

He belonged to the middle class of Mons and probably studied at the Collège de Houdain, founded in 1545 and whose buildings are today part of the Faculté polytechnique de Mons.

Johann Otto von Gemmingen

Johann Otto von Gemmingen was born in Tiefenbronn on October 23, 1545, the fourth child of Hans Dietrich von Gemmingen and his wife Magdalena.

Kazan Kremlin

On July 21, 2005, the feast day of the holy icon "Theotokos of Kazan", in the presence of the crowd of 10,000 pilgrims, Patriarch Alexius II and Mintimer Shaeymiev placed at the newly restored Annunciation Cathedral the holiest copy of the long-lost icon, which had been returned to Russia by Pope John Paul II shortly before his death.

Louis A. Waldman

In the spring of 2008 Waldman was among of a number of scholars who independently identified a painting of the Annunciation in a provincial museum of Hungary, the Móra Ferenc Múzeum in Szeged, as the work of Giorgio Vasari.

Louis I, Count of Sayn-Wittgenstein

From 1545, Louis and two of his brothers studied at the Universities of Leuven, Paris and Orléans.

Madonna in the Church

Perhaps reflecting the view of a "relatively immature painter", a copy of the Annunciation by Joos van Cleve shows Mary at a more realistic proportion scale to her surroundings.

Marco Bragadino

Marco Bragadino or Marco Bragadini (born ca. 1545 on Cyprus; died 26 April 1591 in Munich, Duchy of Bavaria) was a Venitian confidence man who claimed to be an alchemist.

Marton Varo

The facade of the Ave Maria Oratory church features Váró's 30-foot-tall sculpture of the Annunciation, depicting the Archangel Gabriel greeting the Virgin Mary with the words "Ave Maria" (Hail Mary), with his smaller depiction of Christ the Good Shepherd featured inside.

Ospedale del Ceppo

Also from 1525 are the tondoes by Giovanni della Robbia, depicting the Annunciation, the Glory of the Virgin, the Visitation and the Medici coat of arms.

Our Lady of Annunciation Parish

OLAP (Parish Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation - Diocesan Shrine of the Incarnation) belongs to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Novaliches and is at the border between the Diocese of Novaliches and the Diocese of Cubao.

Philippe Chéry

He painted 'The Annunciation' in the church of Generville, 'St. Benedict receiving the Viaticum,' and two other religious subjects, which are in the church of Boulogne-sur-Mer, 'St. Cecilia,' in the Benedictine Convent in the same town, and several other scriptural and religious subjects.

Princess Anna Maria of Sweden

Princess Anna Maria of Sweden also Anne (in Swedish Anna Gustavsdotter (19 June 1545 - 20 March 1610) was a Countess Palatine of Veldenz as the spouse of George John I, Count Palatine of Veldenz.

Rat Terrier

The earliest known record of a rat-catching dog is that of "Hatch", whose remains were recovered from the Mary Rose, the flagship of Henry VIII, sunk in 1545 and re-raised in 1982.

Roman Catholicism in Nepal

Assumption was built in 1760, and another church called Annunciation of Our Lady was built in Bhaktapur.

Sacra di San Michele

On the left wall is a large fresco portraying the Annunciation (1505), while in the Old Choir is a triptych by Defendente Ferrari.

San Samuele, Venice

The cycle depicts eight Sibyls, Greek and Roman female seers who were believed to have predicted events in the life of Christ such as the Annunciation, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection.

San Vidal, Venice

The interior houses an Annunciation by Sebastiano Ricci, a Guardian Angel with St Anthony of Padua and St Gaetano of Thiene by Giovanni Battista Piazzetta, and the main altarpiece is a San Vidal on Horseback (1514) by Carpaccio.

Santa Fe de Antioquia

Founded in 1541 by Jorge Robledo as Villa de Santafé on the western bank of the Cauca River, in 1545 it received the coat of arms and the title of City of Antioquia from King Philip II of Spain.

Sibylline oracles

In 1545 Xystus Betuleius (Sixt Birck of Augsburg) published at Basel an edition of eight books of oracles with a preface dating from perhaps the 6th century AD, and the next year a version set in Latin verse appeared.

Szimón Krofey

Szimón Krofey was born in 1545 in the Kashubian village of Dąbie, Gmina Bytów, Poland.

Tempus clausum

During the creative period of Johann Sebastian Bach in Leipzig, no figural or florid church music, such as his cantatas, was performed in Advent from the second to the fourth Sunday in Advent, and in Lent from the first Sunday in Lent (Invocavit) to Palm Sunday (Palmarum), with the exception of the feast of the Annunciation on 25 March.

Thomas Geminus

Geminus started work in England by working with Thomas Raynalde and producing "The byrth of Mankinde" aka "The Woman's booke" in 1545.

Tom Tower

Originally called "Mary", Great Tom used to hang in Osney Abbey, until in 1545 it was moved to St Frideswide's church, after which at some point it was renamed "Tom".


In 1545 the Protestant Reformation reached the village and in 1574-82 the reformer and historian Ulrich Campell worked in Tschlin.

Uesugi Norimasa

At the battle of Kawagoe in 1545, both major branches of the Uesugi family were defeated by the Hōjō clan; Norimasa's campaigns only continued to be less and less successful.

Valborg Eriksdotter

Valborg Eriksdotter (1545-1580), was the royal mistress of Magnus, Duke of Östergötland, between 1560 and 1567.

Wenceslaus III Adam, Duke of Cieszyn

Despite this, Jan of Pernštejn remained as a regent and held the effective government until 9 May 1545, when he finally renounced to the regency only in exchange of the lands of Místek and Friedland as a pledge.

William de Spynie

Oram, Richard, "The Lordship of the Isles, 1336-1545", in Donald Omand (ed.) The Argyll Book, (Edinburgh, 2005), pp. 123-39

Yi Sun-sin Bridge

Yi Sun-sin’ is the name of the Korean Admiral who was born in 1545 and built the world first ironclad warship called 'the Turtle ship' and defended the country against Japanese navy in the Joseon Dynasty.

Yñigo Ortiz de Retez

Yñigo Ortiz de Retez (fl. 1545) was a 16th-century Spanish maritime explorer, who navigated the northern coastline of the Pacific - Melanesian island of New Guinea, and is credited with bestowing the island's name ("Nueva Guinea").

see also