
10 unusual facts about Melanesia


Holonothrus artus Olszanowski, 1999 — Aisen, Queulat National Park, Puerto Cisnes area: Chile; Melanesia

James Charles Cox

His wrote extensively in the journals of these societies on the conchology of Australia and Melanesia.

José Bové

Bové has also intervened to support the movements of the Tahitians and the Kanaks, the indigenous Melanesian people of New Caledonia.

L'Avenir Ensemble

The name l'Avenir Ensemble reflects the party's desire to unite New Caledonians of all ethnic groups (White Europeans, Melanesian Kanaks, Polynesian immigrants, etc.) into a shared future, rejecting the ethnic oppositions of the hitherto dominant parties of New Caledonia (White anti-independence parties vs. Kanak pro-independence parties).

Maurice Godelier

The book, entitled The Making of Great Men, discusses sex- and gender-based inequality and provided insight into the systems of power in Melanesia.


In the nineteenth century Robert Codrington, a British missionary, produced a series of monographs on 'the Melanesians' based on his long-time residence in the region.


The genus has a sub-cosmopolitan distribution (excluding Antarctica), but is concentrated in Australasia, Melanesia, and southern South America.

Panulirus versicolor

In the western Pacific it occurs as far north as southern Japan, throughout Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia and in the waters of north-eastern Australia.


Samoidae from Polynesia, Melanesia, Australia, Mexico, the West Indies and Venezuela are all remarkably similar, while the species from Africa, Madagascar, Seychelles and Indonesia do at least in part not belong to this family.

Welcome Swallow

It is a species native to Australia and nearby islands, and self-introduced into New Zealand in the middle of the twentieth century.

Australoid race

According to this model of classification, Australoid peoples ranged throughout Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Guinea, Melanesia, the Andaman Islands, the Indian subcontinent, as well as parts of the Middle East.

Bronisław Malinowski

The Australian government nonetheless provided him with permission and funds to undertake ethnographic work within their territories and Malinowski chose to go to the Trobriand Islands, in Melanesia where he stayed for several years, studying the indigenous culture.

Grey Mangrove

Conocarpus erectus (Buttonwood) - occurring on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, along the eastern edge of the Pacific Ocean and in Melanesia and Polynesia


Tinea imbricata, a superficial fungal infection of the skin limited to southwest Polynesia, Melanesia, Southeast Asia, India and Central America

Inocarpus fagifer

The tree has a wide range in the tropics of the south-west Pacific and south-east Asian regions, and a history of traditional use by the peoples of Polynesia and Melanesia.

Lyncina ventriculus

This species is distributed in the eastern Indian Ocean (Malaysia, Estern Indonesia, Cocos Islands and Christmas Island), in the Central and Western Pacific Ocean (South China Sea, Taiwan, Philippines, Samar Island, Guam, Melanesia, Solomon Islands, Micronesia, New Caledonia, eastern Polynesia, Tahiti and Hawaii).

Mussau-Emira language

Proto Oceanic and the Austronesian languages of western Melanesia. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.

Prehispanic history of Chile

There are numerous theories on the settlement of the Americas; the most accepted currently, that of Paul Rivet, states that there were numerous arrivals for different reasons: those leaving Asia via the Bering Straits, but also those traveling from island to island in Polynesia and Melanesia, via Central America.

Spondias dulcis

This fast-growing tree can reach up to 60 ft (18 m) in its native range of Melanesia and Polynesia; however, it usually averages 30 to 40 ft (9–12 m) in other areas.

Wattled Smoky Honeyeater

The first bird species found in New Guinea since 1939, the honeyeater was one of over twenty new species discovered by an international team of eleven scientists from Australia, Indonesia and the United States, led by an American ornithologist and Melanesia Conservation International vice-president Bruce Beehler.

Wild orange

several uncultivated Citrus species (family Rutaceae), particularly Citrus macroptera, from Malesia and Melanesia

Yñigo Ortiz de Retez

Yñigo Ortiz de Retez (fl. 1545) was a 16th-century Spanish maritime explorer, who navigated the northern coastline of the Pacific - Melanesian island of New Guinea, and is credited with bestowing the island's name ("Nueva Guinea").