
unusual facts about ''España''

España-class battleship

Following disastrous losses in the Spanish-American War of 1898, Spain lacked the money to rebuild its navy, so it was not until the Navy Law of 7 January 1908 that a new program authorizing three new battleships—España, Alfonso XIII, and Jaime I—along with other ships, was passed.

1973–74 Honduran Liga Nacional

The 1973-74 season started on 14 January 1973, it consisted of a regular season of 27 rounds; Motagua won its third trophy on 9 September 1973 after a 1x1 result in San Pedro Sula against España.

1975–76 Honduran Liga Nacional

España and Motagua played an extra match for final spot on 3 December 1975 in San Pedro Sula, the final result was 0–0 after 120 minutes, España qualified to the final as better goal difference in all rounds.

Antonio Domínguez Ortiz

de España, Madrid, Alfaguara, 1973 ("The Old Regime: the Catholic Monarchs and the Habsburgs")

Ataúlfo Argenta

He nonetheless continued to make recordings, such as Ernesto Hallfter's Sinfonietta, De Falla's Nights in the Gardens of Spain with Gonzalo Soriano, work with the OSR, and later in London, the stereo orchestral LP Espana, as well as the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto with Alfredo Campoli and Liszt concertos with Julius Katchen.

Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge

Among the Charter's endorsers there are Jimmy Wales, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Consumers International, Electronic Frontier Foundation, David Bollier, Students for Free Culture, European Digital Rights, Participatory Culture Foundation, La Quadrature du Net, Transnational Institute, Department of Digital Culture (Government of Brazil), Pirat Partie, Creative Commons España, La-EX, and Networked Politics.

Christian Martínez

Christian Samir Martínez (born 1990), Honduran footballer, played for Penarol and Real Espana


C.I.P.C.E. is The international piano competition celebrating Spanish composers (In Spanish: Concurso Internacional de Piano Compositores de España), which is held each year (in about November) in the Auditorum “Joaquín Rodrigo” of Las Rozas de Madrid before an international jury of renowned musicians.

Claudio Sánchez-Albornoz y Menduiña

After a brief post at the University of Cuyo in the northern province of Mendoza, Sánchez-Albornoz was offered a position at the University of Buenos Aires where he created a center for Iberian medieval studies and founded a historical journal, the Cuadernos de historia de España.

Cristóbal de Olid

Accounts of how Olid died vary; Bernal Díaz del Castillo asserts in his Verdadera Historia de la Conquista de Nueva España that Las Casas had him beheaded at Naco, while Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas wrote that Olid's own soldiers rose up against and then murdered him.

Eduardo Serra Rexach

Serra has held positions in many companies in the private sector, including president of Telettra España (1998-1991) and Peugeot-Talbot España (1992-1996), founder and chairman Airtel Móvil (1994-1996), vice-president and president of Cubiertas MZOV (1989-1995), and chair of UBS Spain (2000-2006).

Enrique García Ojeda

A regular competitor in Spanish rallies, including Rally Catalunya, Ojeda entered rounds of the first season of the IRC in 2006 as a Peugeot Sport España driver, in a Peugeot 206 S1600, with a best finish of seventh on the Ypres Rally.

España F.C.

During the 1930s, España F.C. competed in the central zone soccer tournament that was held by the Salvadoran Sports Commission (Comisión Nacional de Educación Física) as Deportivo 33.

On 30 August 1940, Deportivo 33 renamed and rebranded themselves as Atletico Espana.

España railway station

Major landmarks near the station include the University of Santo Tomas, Dominican School Manila, the Ramon Magsaysay High School, the Legarda Elementary School and the España Tower.

Estoria de España

The Estoria de España, also known in the 1906 edition of Ramón Menéndez Pidal as the Primera Crónica General, is a history book written on the initiative of Alfonso X of Castile "El Sabio" ("the Wise"), who was actively involved in the editing.

Euskal Iraultzarako Alderdia

EIA made a coalition with the Basque section of the Communist Movement of Spain (Movimiento Comunista de España), creating a coalition named Euskadiko Ezkerra.

Fernando Ruiz de Castro

Fernando Ruiz de Castro (d. Bayonne, 1377), nicknamed toda la lealtad España ("all the loyalty of Spain"), was a Galician nobleman of the House of Castro and prominent military figure.

Jennifer Gidley

de S. (Barcelona, España: Pomares, 2003) (Spanish Translation) (with Sohail Inayatullah)

Jo de Roo

1966 saw victory at the Omloop "Het Volk"; he won another stage in the Tour de France on his birthday (between Montpellier and Aubenas) and a stage in the Vuelta a España between Madrid and Calatayud.

Joint Theater Level Simulation

Spanish Ministry of Defense, Ingenieria de Sistemas para la Defensa de Espaňa (ISDEFE); Madrid, Spain

José Amador de los Ríos

In another work, Historia social, política y religiosa de los judíos de España, he accepts the Spanish Jewish literature as part of the tradition, since it "bloomed" in Spanish soil.

Juan Bautista Pablo Forner

His Oración apologética por la España y su mérito literario (1786) is an excellent example of learned advocacy, far superior to similar efforts made by Carlo Denina and Antonio Cavanilles; and his posthumous Exequias de la lengua castellana (printed in the Biblioteca de autores españoles, vol. LXIII.) testifies to his scholarship and taste.

Juan Gómez-Jurado

Gómez-Jurado worked in many the most important Spanish media, like 40 Principales, Cadena Ser, Cadena Cope, Radio España, Canal + and ABC, before hitting the bestseller lists throughout the world with God's Spy (Espía de Dios), his first novel.

Juan of the Dead

Coproduction by La Zanfoña Producciones (España), Producciones de la 5ta Avenida (Cuba), with the participation of the ICAIC Canal Sur and Televisión Española.

Manuel Azaña

Afterwards he directed the magazines Pluma and España between 1920 and 1924, founding the former with his brother-in-law Cipriano Rivas Cherif.

María Ángeles Ferrer Forés

She is a member of Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE, General Association for Authors and Publishers), Asociación Colegial de Escritores de España (ACE, Professional Association of Spanish Writers), CEDRO (Spanish Association for Copyright) and, since 1987, of the organization of Ibiza International Piano Competition (President of Honour Princess Irene of Greece and Denmark).

María Moliner

It is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and the collaboration of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces and, since 1992, with the collaboration of the Coca-Cola España Foundation.

María-Luz Álvarez

Giacomo Facco Las Amazonas de Espana, Maria Luz Alvarez, Raquel Andueza, Los Musicos del Buen Retiro, Isabel Serrano, Antoine Ladrette.

Marlon Teixeira

Alongside this he has appeared in high fashion editorials for GQ, Vogue Espana, V, Elle, W magazine with Ginnifer Goodwin and Vanity Fair with Shakira.

Motagua–Real España football rivalry

First game in Liga Nacional: Held on 5 September 1965 at San Pedro Sula, Motagua defeated España 0–2 with two goals from Elio Banegas.

Motagua vs. Real España, is a classic football match played between C.D. Motagua from Tegucigalpa and Real C.D. España from San Pedro Sula, two of the most successful and popular football teams from Honduras.

Parque España

Parque España is a park in the Colonia Hipódromo (neighborhood) of the Condesa district, in the Cuauhtémoc borough, in west-central Mexico City.

Reimund Dietzen

Seventeen years later, the Supreme Court of Spain ordered the organisers of the Vuelta a España to pay damages to Dietzen.


Sopormetal globalization strategy begins with the acquisition of a Spanish company, resulting in the establishment of Sopormetal España in Madrid, now considered a significant “player” of the industrial sector in Spanish market, covering it as a whole and supplying large companies such as Airbus, Basque Mondragon Corporation and Siemens.

Star Wars sources and analogues

It was filmed at the Plaza de España in Seville, Spain, which in Lawrence of Arabia was the site of the British Army headquarters in Cairo, and was shot in the exact manner as the scene in Lawrence of Arabia where Allenby (Jack Hawkins) and Dryden (Claude Rains) discuss whether to give artillery to Lawrence's Arab troops.

Tanaka Shōsuke

Also among them was Father Muños, a Franciscan Father, sent by Tokugawa Ieyasu as a representative to negotiate the establishment of trade between Japan and Nueva España.

Tracey Moberly

In the past the Club 18-30 Billboard ‘Beaver Espana & Summer of 69’ advertising campaign was successfully stopped as Moberly organised a graffiti campaign to add the safe sex slogans that she thought were missing from the advertisements.

Victorio Codovilla

Codovilla was sent to Madrid to advise the Communist Party of Spain (Partido Comunista de España or PCE) on behalf of the Comintern.

see also