
2 unusual facts about ''Intrépide''


These balloons were used by the Corps's first company attached to General Jourdan's Army of Sambre-et-Meuse in 1796.

Museum of Military History, Vienna

Other notable exhibits include the huge medieval bombard, Pumhart von Steyr, the original shipbuilder's model of the battleship SMS Viribus Unitis, flagship of the Austro-Hungarian naval fleet during World War I, a French observation balloon, the oldest surviving European aircraft, L'Intrépide, and the wreck of SM U-20, an Austro-Hungarian Navy submarine sunk in combat in 1918.

Edward Codrington

He then attacked but failed to capture the Spanish flagship Principe de Asturias before moving on to the Intrepide, the only ship of the northern division to return.

John Pilfold

On 21 October, Ajax was sixth in Nelson's line, and was heavily engaged with the Intrépide and Argonauta, fighting them both to a standstill and remarkably only suffering two dead and nine wounded during the whole engagement.

see also