
unusual facts about ''M23''

Gossops Green

Gossops Green is on the A23 trunk road which was the main London to Brighton route before the M23 motorway was opened in the 1970s, which by-passed Crawley.


M25 next saw service, along with five other monitors (M23, M27, M31, M33 and HMS Humber), which were sent to Murmansk in May 1919 to relieve the North Russian Expeditionary Force.


M27 next saw service, along with five other monitors (M23, M25, M31, M33 and HMS Humber), which were sent to Murmansk in May 1919 to relieve the North Russian Expeditionary Force.


M33 next saw service, along with five other monitors (M23, M25, M27, M31 and HMS Humber), which were sent to Murmansk in 1919 to relieve the North Russian Expeditionary Force.

John Rucyahana

In 2013, a United Nations report said that Rucyahana was forced to stop fundraising for M23 because he was part of the support network of Bosco Ntaganda inside Rwanda, which was dismantled.

Sultani Makenga

On November 7, 2013, he surrendered with hundreds of M23 fighters in Mgahinga National Park, Uganda.

see also