
unusual facts about ''M31''


''M31'' | HMS M31 |

Andromeda VIII

It is a companion galaxy to the Andromeda Galaxy, M31, and evaded detection for so long due to its diffuse nature.

Archibald Murray

However the six British tanks, the British heavy guns and naval gunfire from the French coastal defence ship Requin and two British monitors (M21 and M31) did little damage and only served to warn the Turks of the imminent British attack which faltered at all points.


M25 next saw service, along with five other monitors (M23, M27, M31, M33 and HMS Humber), which were sent to Murmansk in May 1919 to relieve the North Russian Expeditionary Force.


M27 next saw service, along with five other monitors (M23, M25, M31, M33 and HMS Humber), which were sent to Murmansk in May 1919 to relieve the North Russian Expeditionary Force.


M33 next saw service, along with five other monitors (M23, M25, M27, M31 and HMS Humber), which were sent to Murmansk in 1919 to relieve the North Russian Expeditionary Force.

IC 10

The apparent distance between IC 10 and the Andromeda Galaxy is about the same as the apparent distance between the Andromeda Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy, which suggests that IC 10 may belong to the M31 subgroup.

see also