The show follows two eight-year-old children, Hafliði and Stína, who embark on an adventurous journey to Bethlehem, in order to bring Baby Jesus the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Many Christmas calendar series, such as the 1979 Norwegian Jul i Skomakergata, and the Icelandic Á baðkari til Betlehem have become classics in their respective countries, and are enjoyed both by children and adults (if purely for nostalgic reasons).
'Til Death | Til Schweiger | 'Til the Band Comes In | 'Til the Medicine Takes | 'Til We Meet Again | Til Ungdommen | Til I Hear It from You | Til Gardeniers-Berendsen | Til Gardeniers | Til Debt Do Us Part | No Sleep 'til Hammersmith | World Invasion "Party 'til You Die Tour" Tour | Til Wykes | 'Til Tuesday | 'Til Summer Comes Around | Til Death (Wynter Gordon song) | Til Death | '''‘'''Til Death | Strack & Van Til | Shop 'Til You Drop | Ompa til du dør | Nei til EU | Love Isn't Love ('Til You Give It Away) | John T. "Til" Hazel | Iður til Fóta | Fra Mols til Skagen | Á baðkari til Betlehem | 93 'til Infinity |