What sets affirmative prayer apart from secular affirmations of the autosuggestion type taught by the 19th century self-help author Émile Coué (whose most famous affirmation was "Every day in every way, I am getting better and better") is that affirmative prayer addresses the practitioner to God, the Divine, the Creative Mind, emphasizing the seemingly practical aspects of religious belief.
Edward Sagarin compared it to a modern, reasonable, and rational implementation of Émile Coué's psychotherapy.
Émile Zola | Émile Durkheim | Emile Clement | Émile Bernard | Paul-Émile Botta | Emile Vandervelde | Émile Loubet | Emile Lahoud | Émile Coué | The Life of Emile Zola | Jacques-Émile Blanche | Émile Vuillermoz | Emile Hirsch | Emile Griffith | Emile Francis | Émile Dewoitine | Emile de Antonio | Émile Blanchard | Emile | Émile Wartel | Émile Moreau | Emile Haynie | Émile Coué's | Emile Claus | Émile Chartier | Émile Bravo | Émile Borel | Émile Baudot | Émile Basly | Emile Bachelet |