
5 unusual facts about Équateur

Équateur District

The Équateur District was formerly a province known as Cuvette-Centrale, having separated from the former Équateur region in 1962.


Mbandaka is the capital of the Équateur province, and located only a few miles from the equator.

Nzanga Mobutu

He is most popular in the northwestern province of Équateur, whence his father hailed.

Pericopsis elata

The Democratic Republic of Congo has the world's largest remaining stocks of Afrormosia, which are largely confined to the Équateur Province and Orientale Province.


The city of Mbandaka, capital of Équateur province with a population of around 750,000, is near the center of the Tumba-Ngiri-Maindombe site.

Bebearia zonara

It is found in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Bioko, Gabon, the Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo (Mayumbe, Ubangi, Mongala, Uele, Ituri, Tshopo, Equateur, Cataractes, Kasai, Sankuru and Lualaba) and Uganda (Bwamba and Toro).

Cupidesthes thyrsis

It is found in Equatorial Guinea (Bioko), Gabon, the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo (Ubangi, Uele, Tshopo, Equateur, Kinshasa, Sankuru and Lualaba).

Enki Bilal

The final chapter, Froid Équateur, was chosen book of the year by the magazine Lire and is acknowledged by the inventor of chess boxing, Iepe Rubingh as the inspiration for the sport.

Oboronia pseudopunctatus

It is found in Ghana (the Volta region), Togo, Nigeria (south and the Cross River loop), Cameroon, Bioko, Gabon, the Republic of Congo, Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo (Equateur, Tshuapa, Mongala, Uele, Sankuru and Lualaba), Uganda (from the western part of the country to Bwamba) and north-western Tanzania.

see also