
unusual facts about Öland

Patrik Magnusson

Patrik Magnusson, born Öland, Sweden on 17 March 1970) is a Swedish songwriter.

B7 Baltic Islands Network

The network is made up of the local administrations or governments of the islands of Bornholm (Denmark), Gotland (Sweden), Hiiumaa (Estonia), Rügen (Germany), Saaremaa (Estonia), Åland Islands (autonomous part of Finland) and Öland (Sweden).

Coat of arms of Öland

It was then decided the Öland deer should have a collar, something which had sometimes occurred before and had been considered for Djurgården.

Duke of Finland

In 1315, in alliance with Eric, Valdemar gained Turku castle and Häme Castle together with their provinces, i.e. most of Finland, as well as Stockholm Castle, most of Uppland and Borgholm with Öland, as the result of their civil war against the king.


Only Borgholm and Ottenby are documented in early writings to have been Viking settlements along with Halltorp, although archaeological records show evidence of Vikings at a number of other locations on Öland: namely, Gettlinge, Alby and Hulterstad.


:Then, after the land of the Burgundians, we had on our left the lands that have been called from the earliest times Blekingey, and Meore, and Eowland, and Gotland, all which territory is subject to the Sweons; and Weonodland was all the way on our right, as far as Weissel-mouth.


The oldest known human settlement on the southern part of Oland is slightly to the north at Alby dating to the mesolithic era showing the presence of hunter-gatherers.

see also