
2 unusual facts about İztuzu Beach

İztuzu Beach

Since this would have meant the end of an important nesting habitat for the loggerhead turtle, June Haimoff, together with fellow-environmentalists such as David Bellamy, Lily Venizelos, Günther Peter, Nergis Yazgan and Keith Corbett, launched a campaign to save the beach.

Turtle Beach

İztuzu Beach in Dalyan, Turkey, in reference to the loggerhead sea turtles that lay eggs on the beach

June Haimoff

In the period from 1984–1988 she and fellow-environmentalists such as David Bellamy, Lily Venizelos, Günther Peter, Nergis Yazgan and Keith Corbett launched a successful campaign to preserve İztuzu Beach as a habitat for the endangered loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta).

see also