
2 unusual facts about .invalid


Validity, in logic, true premises cannot lead to a false conclusion

.invalid, a top-level Internet domain not intended for real use

1975 in LGBT rights

Colorado Attorney General J.D. MacFarlane later issues an opinion that the licenses are invalid and orders that no additional licenses be issued.

A Royal Scandal

The union was considered invalid because it had not been approved by the king and the Privy Council.

Alexei Sorokin

His father a veteran invalid of the Russian Civil War died in 1933 and his brother Seraphim was killed in the battle for Moscow in 1941.

Alfred Horsfall

He served in Greece and the Suez Canal during World War I, supervising the canal's sanitation and serving as surgeon specialist in Alexandria until January 1917, when he was sent to England as an invalid.

Apotex Inc. v. Wellcome Foundation Ltd.

The Court rejected a challenge by the generic drug manufacturers Novopharm and Apotex to declare Glaxo Wellcome's patent for AZT, an AIDS-fighting drug, invalid.

Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics

On March 29, 2010, Judge Robert W. Sweet of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York declared all of the contested claims invalid.


The movie Gattaca portrays a society in which there are two classes of people: those genetically engineered to be superior (termed "Valid") and the inferior natural humans ("Invalid").


:The invalid moth genus name Blepharum refers to the genus Catocala.


:"Borborites" is also an invalid name for the small dung fly family (Sphaeroceridae).

Clark R. Mollenhoff

Mollenhoff's book gives the Atanasoff perspective of the 1973 federal court decision of Honeywell v. Sperry Rand that ruled the ENIAC computer patent invalid, and increased attention to Atanasoff's work.

Costa Rican general election, 1917

The elections were considered to be fraudulent and although former president Rafael Yglesias Castro received 249 votes in Alajuela, they were recorded as invalid ballots.

Courtland C. Matson

He served as chairman of the Committee on Invalid Pensions (Forty-eighth through Fiftieth Congresses).

Don L. Anderson

Another of his hypotheses is that the theory of convective mantle plumes in the Earth, as proposed by W. Jason Morgan, is invalid and that hotspots and oceanic islands such as Hawaii or Iceland are rather caused by chemical/mineralogical anomalies in the upper mantle.

Donatus Magnus

This effort failed because the Donatists were unable to prove to a series of the councils that considered the case that Caecilian had been a traditor or that his consecration was invalid because he was consecrated as bishop by a tradito, Bishop Felix of Aptunga.


:Notiothauma Millidge, 1991 is an invalid junior homonym, and presently considered a junior synonym of the spider genus Lygarina of the family Linyphiidae.


:For the invalid genus Epicallia described by Erichson in 1848, see Nessaea.

Executive Order 6102

There was a need to strengthen Executive Order 6102, as the one prosecution under the order was ruled invalid by federal judge John M. Woolsey, on the grounds that the order was signed by the President, not the Secretary of the Treasury as required.

Hermann Grab

He died fully invalid in 1949 in New York and was buried at Flushing Cemetery in Flushing, Queens, New York City.

Holy orders

The Roman Catholic Church judged Anglican orders invalid when Pope Leo XIII in 1896 wrote in Apostolicae Curae that Anglican orders lack validity because the rite by which priests were ordained was not correctly worded from 1547 to 1553 and from 1558 to the time of Archbishop William Laud, (Archbishop of Canterbury 1633–1645).


Commonly, this is implemented by prohibiting names which mix character sets from multiple languages (toys-Я-us.org would be invalid, but wíkipedia.org and wikipedia.org still exist as different websites); Canada's .ca registry goes one step further by requiring names which differ only in diacritics have the same owner and same registrar.

Jacob Brinkerhoff

He was prosecuting attorney for Richland County, Ohio, from 1839 to 1843, and was then elected as a Democrat to the Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth Congresses (March 4, 1843 - March 3, 1847), where he was chairman of the Committee on Invalid Pensions (Twenty-eighth Congress).

Jesse Hale Moore

He served as chairman of the Committee on Invalid Pensions (Forty-second Congress) and was an unsuccessful candidate for renomination in 1872 to the Forty-third Congress.

Kurt Browning

Josef Sabovcik had previously landed a quad toe loop at the 1986 European Championships which was recognized at the event but then ruled invalid three weeks later.


It was introduced as a replacement for Samuel Hubbard Scudder's genus Lithopsyche which is invalid as a homonym, as another fossil lepidopteran genus had been described under the same name shortly before Scudder established his genus.

Melbourne by-election, 1904

This was triggered by the Chief Justice of the High Court (sitting as a Court of Disputed Elections) declaring invalid the election of Sir Malcolm McEacharn to the seat in the 1903 federal election.

Myriad Genetics

Two of the company's patents on the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes were ruled invalid on March 29, 2010 by Judge Robert W. Sweet in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Negros Fruit Dove

Some authors have suggested that the specimen was either a runt of either the Yellow-breasted Fruit Dove or a Treron pigeon, or a hybrid instead of a unique species; however, these views are generally considered invalid due in part to the distinctiveness of the specimen, particularly in the bare skin around the eye, and no proper evidence has suggested that the Negros Fruit Dove is an invalid species.

Nicola Cosentino

pressuring the Constitutional court to consider as legitimate the Lodo Alfano (a law which would have saved then prime minister Berlusconi from several of his trials, and which was finally declared invalid)

Nigeria Olympic Committee

The NOC said that Ndanusa had not yet served for four years as Vice-President of the Confederation of African Tennis, and alleged that his election as President of the Nigeria Tennis Federation was invalid since he did not attend the election.

Nuclear power whistleblowers

The U.S. Department of Labor ruled that his submissions to SAFETEAM were protected and his dismissal was invalid, a finding upheld by Labor Secretary Lynn Martin.


Paul Sereno, for example, considered the family Omnivoropterygidae to be invalid because it is redundant and was not given a phylogenetic definition.

Princess Eugenia Maximilianovna of Leuchtenberg

By 1914, Alexander was almost an "invalid", traveling with the help of a nurse for his care.

Punch buggy

Some variations consider Volkswagen's 1998 reintroduction of the New Beetle invalid for game purposes but, as older models become more rare, variants may choose to include the new Beetles.


Jonathan Scobie (or Jonathan Goble), an American missionary to Japan, is also said to have invented the rickshaw around 1869 to transport his invalid wife through the streets of Yokohama.

Robert Leslie Ellis

An attack of rheumatic fever at Sanremo in 1849 left him an invalid, and he returned to Cambridge, living at Anstey Hall, Trumpington, next to his friend John Grote, vicar of Trumpington.

Salawat Yulayev

Till this time he stayed in bondage for twenty five years: "To Estland provincial board from Major Ditmar being at the Baltic invalid command. Being under my responsibility, convicted slaves 12 men which are in a safe state. Against the previous submitted register decreased: This month of 26-th date, convicted slave Salawat Yulayev died about which I have the honor of reporting." Salawat died in penal servitude on September 26, 1800.

Samuel Gurney Cresswell

Kellett then sent Cresswell with additional invalid men to Beechey Island.

Size of the College of Cardinals

The conclave capitulation of the papal conclave, 1352 limited the size of the College to twenty, and decreed that no new cardinals could be created until the size of the College had dropped to 16; however, Pope Innocent VI declared the capitulation invalid the following year.

Thai general election, 2006

Due to the election result, King Bhumibol Adulyadej took the unprecedented step of calling the elections undemocratic, and soon later the election was declared invalid by the Constitutional Court.

Thomas M. Browne

He served as chairman of the Committee on Invalid Pensions (Forty-seventh Congress), Committee on Revision of the Laws (Fifty-first Congress).

Trial of Louis XVI

Beginning with a description of why the charges were invalid (under the terms of the Constitution of 1791 Louis, as king, was immune from prosecution), he attacked the right of National Convention to stand as judge and jury.

Tristam Burges

He served as chairman of the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions (Nineteenth Congress), Committee on Military Pensions (Nineteenth and Twentieth Congresses), Committee on Revolutionary Claims (Twenty-first Congress), Committee on Invalid Pensions (Twenty-second and Twenty-third Congresses).


Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) used to be an alternative measurement, but the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) withdrew these ratings in 2012 as biologically invalid, stating that no physiological proof in vivo existed to support the free-radical theory.


In his 1990 review, Ralph Molnar noted that the type cannot be distinguished from tail vertebrae from ornithomimids or allosaurids, and considered it to be an indeterminate theropod and a nomen dubium or (more likely) an invalid taxon.

Wayne, New York

He later returned as a Baptist missionary and was inspired to invent the rickshaw in order to transport his invalid wife around the streets of Tokyo.

see also