
unusual facts about 138 BC

183 BC

Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio, consul in 138 BC, who will have a prominent part in the murder of Tiberius Gracchus by leading a group of conservative senators and other knights in opposition to Gracchus and his supporters (d. 132 BC)

195 BC

Mithridates I (or Mithradates), "Great King" of Parthia from about 171 BC who will turn Parthia into a major political power and expand the empire westward into Mesopotamia (d. 138 BC)

see also


Licinia Major (Major Latin for the elder) the elder daughter of Lucius Licinius Crassus and his wife Laelia, she was married to Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica, son of the consul of 111 BC and grandson of Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio, consul in 138 BC and Pontifex Maximus.