
3 unusual facts about 1869 in literature

An Ardent Heart

An Ardent Heart (Gorya′chee se′rdtse, Горячее сердце) is a play by Alexander Ostrovsky written in 1858 and first published in the January 1869 issue of Otechestvennye Zapiski.

Culture and Anarchy

Culture and Anarchy is a series of periodical essays by Matthew Arnold, first published in Cornhill Magazine 1867-68 and collected as a book in 1869.

Old Years in Plodomasovo

Old Times in Plodomasovo (Ста′рые го′ды в селе′ Плодома′сове) is a novel by Nikolai Leskov which was first published in 1869 and later formed a trilogy, with The Cathedral Clergy (1872) and A Decayed Family (1874).

see also