
unusual facts about 1st Marine Division

Aubrey McDade

On the night of November 11, 2004, during the Second Battle of Fallujah, McDade was a machine gun squad leader with 1st Battalion, 8th Marines, 1st Marine Division, when his squad was attacked and pinned down by small arms and machine gun fire in an alley.

Faciat Georgius

After the initial success of the landings on Guadalcanal the Marines of the 1st Marine Division the Imperial Japanese forces rallied.

Henry W. Hahn

At the time of the service for which he was decorated, Corporal Hahn was serving with Company K, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines Regiment, 1st Marine Division.

Joe D. Dowdy

He led his unit to within 130 km of Baghdad before being relieved of command on April 4, 2003 by Major General James Mattis, the commanding officer of the 1st Marine Division.

Joseph F. Dunford, Jr.

In 1978, Dunford served in the 1st Marine Division as a platoon and company commander in 3rd Battalion 1st Marines and a company commander in 1st Battalion 9th Marines until 1981.

Marine Air Support Squadron 3

MASS-3 provided air support for the 1st Marine Division from the Kuwaiti border to Tikrit and had units remain in country until the division redeployed in October 2003.

Ross T. Dwyer

During the Korean War, he served as Executive officer (XO) of the USMC Advisory Groupto the 1st Korean Marine Corps Regiment; As S-3, 5th Marines; Assistant G-3 (Ops) and Assistant G-3 (Plans) for the 1st Marine Division.

see also

Operation Medina

The Marines and Navy Corpsmen of Charlie Company 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division are the subject of Lions of Medina, an award winning and critically acclaimed book by historian Doyle Glass.

Richard Huck

Lieutenant Ilario Pantano was a platoon commander in 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division.

Task Force Tripoli

On May 3, each LAR battalion independently left the 1st Marine Division's assembly area in Al Diwaniyah and moved out to their individual staging areas.