
unusual facts about 20 March 2003 anti-war protest

20 March 2003 anti-war protest

The Edinburgh demo saw 500 people at midday march to the foot of The Mound, the rally was addressed by MSPs Tommy Sheridan and Lloyd Quinan.

Everybody's Gone to War

The song, an anti-war protest, was written during the early stages of the Iraq War in 2003, and was composed on bass guitar by Pallot.


January 27, 2007 anti-war protest, an anti-war march sponsored by United for Peace and Justice in Washington, D.C

Protest Warrior

During the Sept. 24, 2005 Anti-War Protests in Washington D.C., Protest Warrior, along with Move America Forward, RightMarch and Free Republic counter-protested those opposed to the war, and also demonstrated in support of the war and troops.

Winterfilm Collective

--the first frame of the film gives the copyright date as 1972, not 1971.--> film documentary about the Winter Soldier Hearings in Detroit, as well as associated anti-war protests and marches.

see also