Captain America: Played by Aytekin Akkaya, an action star, Captain is little more faithfully depicted.
Spider-Man: His costume is vastly different from both the comics and his depiction on the poster, differing both in design and color.
The story takes place in Istanbul, where a violent criminal organization led by Spider-Man ("Spider's Gang") surfaces in the city with counterfeit United States dollars.
A small task-force consisting of Captain America, Santo and Captain America's girlfriend Julia arrives to help local police stop Spider-Man and his gang.
Ostensibly an Italian take on the comic book superhero Spider-Man, the film is a reference to foreign movies that misappropriate popular American superheroes such as the Turkish film "3 Dev Adam" and the Japanese TV series "Spider-Man", both of which alter the character of Spider-Man for foreign audiences.
Adam | Adam Smith | Adam and Eve | Adam Mickiewicz | Adam Sandler | Adam Lambert | Adam-12 | Adam Ant | Adam Faith | Adam Again | Adam Michnik | Robert Adam | Adam Sedgwick | Adam Savage | Adam (Bible) | Adam West | Adam of Bremen | Adam Warlock | Adam Strange | Adam Hochschild | Dev Anand | Adam Rapp | Adam Hughes | Adam Carolla | Adam Baldwin | Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein | Adam Hart-Davis | Adam Buxton | Adam Brand | Kapil Dev |