Ghost on Air is a Singapore horror film directed by Cheng Ding An and stars Y.E.S. 93.3FM DJ Zhou Chong Qing (Dennis Chew).
For around two decades, he worked as a producer of the Belgian Radio and then became a professor of Eastern European history and culture.
He drove towards Hilversum, knowing that Fortuyn was due to be interviewed in the radio studio of 3FM in the Media Park.
3FM | Y.E.S. 93.3FM |
In 2002, the band won the 3FM BuZz Award and another award the following year at the final of the annual Dutch musical contest De Grote Prijs van Nederland (The Big Prize of the Netherlands).
Fortuyn was 54 years old when he was assassinated by Volkert van der Graaf in a car park outside a radio studio where Fortuyn had just given an interview to Ruud de Wild at 3FM.
XFM 96.3: Radio station in Singapore previously known as "International Channel 96.3FM"
From 2006 until early 2009, he co-hosted Spread the Word with Andre Russell on Inglewood based 102.3FM KJLH on Sunday nights.
In 2007, Dongli 88.3FM underwent a revamp and was relaunched as 883JiaFM in March.
Capurro has been a frequent guest on the Sarah & Vinnie's Morning Show of Radio Alice 97.3FM KLLC San Francisco.
The 3FM disc jockey Ruud de Wild said that he barely escaped with his life, as he received a bullet in the bag used for a shield.