
unusual facts about 4-HO-MiPT


Sveriges riksdags health ministry Statens folkhälsoinstitut classified 4-HO-MiPT as "health hazard" under the act Lagen om förbud mot vissa hälsofarliga varor (translated Act on the Prohibition of Certain Goods Dangerous to Health) as of Nov 1, 2005, in regulation SFS 2005:733 listed as "4-hydroxi-N,N-metylisopropyltryptamin (4-HO-MIPT)", making it illegal to sell or possess.



The mechanism that produces the hallucinogenic and entheogenic effects of 5-MeO-MiPT is thought to result primarily from MAO may be involved also.

Bubnov Grigory

In 1993 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT, Russian State University) majoring in Applied Physics and Mathematics.

Denis Denisenko

Born in 1971 in Moscow, Denisenko graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT or Phystech) in 1993 with a Master of Science in Astrophysics and a Diploma: Spectral Properties of Gamma-Ray Bursts Observed by PHEBUS Instrument of the Granat observatory.

see also